with all the stupid shit happening around me
with all the stupid shit happening around me
with all the stupid shit happening around me
Aren't you afraid other countries will treat you the way Americans are treating others? Why not stay and fix your goddamn country.
The USians leaving are the ones who didn’t vote for fascism and at least speaking for myself, are learning the language and culture of the place they are going to. I appreciate you not wanting a USian immigrant crisis, but I hope you can welcome those of us who make it over AND who treat the locals with respect. 🥺
We don't know how. We were told all our lives that voting was the fix, but that system is broken now.
I believe you call it the "second amendment." We've been hearing about how America needw school shootings cause of it for decades.
wdym it worked perfectly as described, nobody went and voted, if you look at the numbers it's clear, poor turnout.
You know how. Everyone knows how. They're just too scared of a real fight to go through the methods
Me when Jews fled Germany. Me when people flee South America. Me when people flee war torn countries. If people (who didn't vote for this) can leave, I hope they do. It hasn't been our country in a long time. Individuals deserve the liberties guaranteed to them by the constitution and if they can no longer find that here and are able to find it elsewhere, they should. There is not enough will here to change things. Throwing yourself at the wall of fascism is a great way to die needlessly. No one should be obligated to die because of the failings of the government they happen to live under. If we had the numbers and could do something, maybe I'd understand your perspective, but we don't have the numbers, and we live in a surveillance state the likes of which history does not have an analogue for. Our government has cameras everywhere and is able to track our every conversation. People here believe this is the will of god. There's no quick fix for that and I don't think people that will be actively hunted down in the meantime have any obligation to stay.
People in other countries are far less scary than oppressive fascist governments
other countries treat travelers very nicely. even Vietnam, which is the only country I was kind of nervous about visiting.
staying and fixing the country isn't really worth it right now, that's like suggesting someone stay in an abuseive household and "fix" their abusive father.
get out of the house first, go from there.
staying and fixing the country isn’t really worth it right now, that’s like suggesting someone stay in an abuseive household and “fix” their abusive father.
what do you think civil wars are?
What do you think centaurs are?
creatures that only exist in fiction? Like your comments?
"creatures that only exist in fiction?"
Why are you asking me?
"Like your comments?"
Kid, the lines of reality are clearly blurred for you, but these comments are happening right now. They are not fiction.
I pity you, sincerely. You must have a difficult life.
Why are you asking me?
you asked me lil bro.
Kid, the lines of reality are clearly blurred for you, but these comments are happening right now. They are not fiction.
advanced internet users like myself call this "humor" or "comedy" the joke here is that i'm making fun of your nonsensical comments by calling back to the previous comment you left, after responding to it, that would be referred to as "witt" or "witty humor"
I pity you, sincerely. You must have a difficult life.
thinking these jokes up is really hard, takes me all day.
"you asked me"
no I didn't sport, you got yourself all turned around
"advanced internet users like myself call this "humor"..."
just keep trying, I'm sure you'll get there one day.
no I didn’t sport, you got yourself all turned around
aw cute, am i like your kid or something now? Can i call you dad, or should it be mom? Which do you prefer?
just keep trying, I’m sure you’ll get there one day.
i sure hope so ambiguous parent figure! I want you to be proud of me!
profesor is probably better, seeing as you're getting schooled.
Most US democrats are actually cowards: unwilling to do anything outside of internet complaints, convincing mentally ill people to commit violence for them online, pathetic finger waggling or holding up signs/paddles so they can high-five each other at the end of a productive day doing nothing.
Find me a Democrat who is inciting violence.
Hell, find me a Democrat.
You're not going to have a hard time finding a dem inciting violence.
I honestly don't know any Dems. Probably my bubble, but everyone I know is more left
Sure, here you go.
Maybe it's just the link failing me, but I don't see anything Democrat on there.
brother i think you might have brain damage.