with all the stupid shit happening around me
with all the stupid shit happening around me
with all the stupid shit happening around me
Do people live without a passport? Cause I dunno, maybe it is how my family ran things in my childhood but everyone of us had a passport as a must. (I'm from a lesser known EU country)
It’s fairly common in the USA to not have a passport
Incredible to think that something like 65% of Americans have NEVER left the country, not even to Canada or Mexico. More impressive, even, is that like 40% have left their home STATE.
I mean, it’s a big country. I assume “Europeans who never left Europe” would be a similar percentage. I’m saying this as someone living in the EU.
why would they, sure you could go visit europe, or india, and a lot of people do that.
America is a huge fucking country. If you want to have interesting travel, there are PLENTY of places you can go within america alone. It's just not really required. Sure if you want to experience other culture, and what not, you're going other places, nobody is going to stop you. But you can literally just drive across ALL of america, without a passport, it's so much easier. And again, there are tons of geographically unique places to visit, there is a substantially significant variety of culture within america itself.
It's just not really needed.
America is a huge fucking country. If you want to have interesting travel, there are PLENTY of places you can go within america alone.
I would love for this to be the answer for why most Americans don't travel internationally. The US is massive, and it's one of the most geographically diverse countries on earth. Just look at this list of ecoregions of the US. Also, damn near every nationality you can think of has made a home here, and they brought their culture with them. There are Congolese enclaves in North Carolina, Somalian enclaves in Minnesota, Cambodian enclaves in California, Indian enclaves in New York, Finnish enclaves in Oregon, French enclaves in Alabama... The list goes on and on. It's actually insane how much beautiful variation there is here, both geographically and culturally.
Unfortunately, the real reason most Americans don't travel abroad is far more depressing. The numbers that Dogiedog64 was citing come from a survey conducted by OnePoll, which wound up in this Forbes article.
In fact, survey results showed 76 percent of the respondents wanted to travel more than they do currently. The reasons they gave for why they don't are what you would expect: mainly due to a lack of finances or just feeling unprepared and ill-equipped to venture forth into unknown territory. More specifically, 63 percent of Americans who have never left the country said an international trip would be out of their price range.
When you consider that nearly 40% of Americans can't cover an unexpected $400 expense, it starts to make sense that so many Americans don't travel abroad. It's heartbreaking that we basically invented "grind culture", and yet most of us can't afford the same kind of vacation that a minimum wage worker in Denmark gets.
I mean it's a very large country with many interesting places, diverse landscapes etc etc, I don't find it particularly strange to never have left. I wonder how many Europeans have never left Europe, though I guess the cultural differences between countries there is larger than between states in the US.
A lot of people never leave their shithole counties
its to keep them ignorant, most of them tend to be conservatives, the only time they would leave is joining ht emilitary, that is about it. i never been to mexico, but i been to canada on both coasts different times when i was younger. was in china pre-2000.
unlikely, it's more likely that most americans just don't really feel the need to go anywhere outside of america, due to how large it is, and how much cultural variance there is within the country. It's more than any single european country could imagine, more than every west european country could imagine even.
And of the 45% that have, that includes all the heavily right-wing upper class. We're not sending our best.
Or maybe a psspsspssport?
It's a good idea to keep a valid passport around no matter if you live in North America or Europe. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Americans are starting to self deport to discover new worlds.
Go get one, it's only a question of time when you can't anymore.
And then they'll stop letting anyone out even if they have one.
That's why op should get the hell out of there asap.
no it isn't, but they should get one anyway.
Yes it is for a lot of people. Do you think the system will happily keep working for those it persecutes? This is a mistake a lot of Jews, Democrats, LGBT and others make every time the can't imagine their country goes fascist, and it always backfires. Right now of those who're technically eligible for a passport, citizens with migrant origin (or those who "look like it") as well as trans people are already in danger of not being able to flee anymore. The first are persecuted by ICE, the second are being erased and now they (with Musk at the helm) start framing them as terrorists.
You're living under a fascist government, act accordingly and do it swiftly.
There are already trans people in that situation.
Depending on Ops race and gender, maybe
Better hurry and get it before they make it practically or literally impossible for everyone except the most privileged..
I mean, they basically already have.. It cost $165/person for a passport that can go anywhere but Canada and Mexico. Over $600 for a family before you can even go anywhere. For probably 90% of families, that sort of disposable income is a dream when most people can't afford a $500 emergency expense.
or they force you to serve in the military first to earn a passport. kind of like earning your citizenship in starship troopers.
too old to serve?.....didnt ask....
Good luck getting one right now, they fired everyone who's not a cop
Edit: I've been corrected, passports are going it seems. I wonder how visas are...
Even when they run at full capacity it takes about 30 to 90 days for the paperwork to process.
I applied for a passport on March 1st and it is showing up on the 25th and I know someone else who applied on the same day and got theirs a week or so earlier. It isn't taking long right now
Not true, my wife and I did our paperwork a few weeks ago and they're due to arrive this week. Granted we paid for expedited, but they're moving along.
cries in transgender
to get on a boat, that I may or may not need to own, and sail away from here.
It's only a matter of time until they stop letting us out
Best to work on your cardio now as well, if you've gotta trek to a destination it's best to have some endurance.
We've got big long borders and a lot of it is incredibly undeveloped.
Sometimes you gotta Von Trapp it.
What good would it do? Unless you’re planning to overstay a tourist passport entry and become an illegal in that country?
Do you prioritize not having illegal status in another country over your own ability to stay alive and stay safe?
not the only two options, you can legally stay in other countries very easily.
They deport you. Do you have confidence in evading authorities and working menial jobs under the table for a lifetime?
That’s the point.
I don't think the United States is going to turn into freaking Yemen. It's not good for your mental health and those surrounding you to start thinking you are actually going to get executed or something like that.
by having a passport you can instantly decrease your cost of living and if you're a native English speaker, start saving money instantly. there's great food in other countries and tons to learn, you don't have to overstay a tourist visa to travel.
that's the whole point of visas, you legally stay in the country
You are confusing passports and visas.
They are not the same thing.
One is a piece of identification that, if accepted by the destination, allows you temporary entry into the country. That is all.
Visas are very specific for what you are allowed to do, whether it be a student visa, work, or some kind of residency.
I have no idea what you mean by reducing cost of living if your residency is limited and you are paying travel expenses to/from the destination. As far as food goes, yeah, it’s great to experience it, but again no real bearing on the discussion.
idk, maybe hold onto it and hopefully not use it (?)
wow, the comments went really somewhere.
By the time you realize you need to have a passport, you should have already gotten one. I got my first passport in 2000. It took like a week. I lost it and had to get a new one in 2007. I got grilled by Homeland Security in a windowless office about whether or not I was familiar with the terrorist cells in the country I was vacationing in because it was a country with a significant Muslim population. I can’t imagine what it’s like now.
Sign up for some exchange program in a neutral country, buy a round-trip ticket, and just never come back.
I renewed a year or two ago and it was no big deal (US passport but longtime Japan resident) and took like 3 weeks. I think part of it was by mail, even, though I can't recall for sure (I think I submitted in person and received by mail? Now that I live hours away from Tokyo, I certainly hope that's an option in 8ish years).
it might be harder for people more than 15years expired, very inconvienient.
I renewed my US passport about 6 months ago. I was eligible to renew online. Cost around $130 if I remember correctly. The online process was actually really easy and it came in the mail only a few weeks later (2-3 weeks). Highly recommend renewing online if you meet the eligibility requirements.
This ☝️. You don't even have to go to the store to get a passport picture taken if it's a renewal, take a pic of yourself using their guidelines. Tripod or have someone take it for you. Send that in. 2-3 weeks it's at your door.
it is still very easy to get a passport. I helped a friend get theirs last month, and more over the years.
don't listen to any of the ignorant comments saying it's difficult to get one; they don't know what they're talking about.
you can do it online or in person at a US Post office.
fill out the application form, takes maybe 20 minutes tops, pay the fee (165$), they take your picture, you will get your passport in the mail in a couple of weeks, it lasts for 10 years, renewable on the go from embassies and consulates.
If you have any questions about passports or traveling, fire away.
A passport costs 165 dollaroos? Damn. And I thought the 70 Euro we have to pay was excessive.
Venezuelan passport is 220 USD to request it, and 80 USD to pick it. Total is 300 usd
And you can only request it on specific days according to your ID card end number. So Mondays is terminal numbers 0-1, Tuesday 2-3 and so on.
And they only process about 7000 request daily
Working hours are from 8 am to 12 pm or when the total processed is reached
And the website doesn't work most of the time.
And that's without going into the prerequisites
Venezuelan minimum wage is about 2 usd monthly.
Make of that what you will
All hail the glorious socialist revolution on Venezuela, it is working as intended
As a swede in france, you can add the travel cost to Paris, only the embassy there has the biometric machine to do passports...
Also the idiots in sweden thought 5 (yes five) years validity is a good thing.
yea, but $16 a year for an instant 50-90% reduced cost of living with guaranteed high-pay employment and no income tax while retaining access to consular services is a pretty good deal.
not as good as 7 bucks a year, but I'm not exactly going to quibble over the extra ten in the face of all the benefits.
I got mine very recently and I'm so happy about it. I'm trying to get my family members to get it as well but they refuse to, it's upsetting.
then leave, let them be.
I feel your frustration.
I got my passport 15 years ago and have been traveling since then, and since then family members, friends and strangers have complained to me about things that could easily be remedied by moving.
one friend has been complaining about the states pretty much the entire time since I left, asking me how she can travel like I do, and even today is still saying "I just have to get a passport and get out of here", which is what she was saying 15 years ago.
I have one but it's been very difficult for me to just sell a bunch of things and get up and go somewhere without any security when I get there.
I speak English und ich lerne ein bisschen Deutsch aber ich spreche nicht gut. I don't think there exists a place where I knew I could prosper and not worry about being forced to leave within a year or two.
there are a lot of jobs teaching English and German in asia, you can get a work visa, teach 25 hours a week, you'll save a couple thousand a month and can buy anything you want.
Aren't you afraid other countries will treat you the way Americans are treating others? Why not stay and fix your goddamn country.
The USians leaving are the ones who didn’t vote for fascism and at least speaking for myself, are learning the language and culture of the place they are going to. I appreciate you not wanting a USian immigrant crisis, but I hope you can welcome those of us who make it over AND who treat the locals with respect. 🥺
Me when Jews fled Germany. Me when people flee South America. Me when people flee war torn countries. If people (who didn't vote for this) can leave, I hope they do. It hasn't been our country in a long time. Individuals deserve the liberties guaranteed to them by the constitution and if they can no longer find that here and are able to find it elsewhere, they should. There is not enough will here to change things. Throwing yourself at the wall of fascism is a great way to die needlessly. No one should be obligated to die because of the failings of the government they happen to live under. If we had the numbers and could do something, maybe I'd understand your perspective, but we don't have the numbers, and we live in a surveillance state the likes of which history does not have an analogue for. Our government has cameras everywhere and is able to track our every conversation. People here believe this is the will of god. There's no quick fix for that and I don't think people that will be actively hunted down in the meantime have any obligation to stay.
We don't know how. We were told all our lives that voting was the fix, but that system is broken now.
wdym it worked perfectly as described, nobody went and voted, if you look at the numbers it's clear, poor turnout.
I believe you call it the "second amendment." We've been hearing about how America needw school shootings cause of it for decades.
You know how. Everyone knows how. They're just too scared of a real fight to go through the methods
People in other countries are far less scary than oppressive fascist governments
other countries treat travelers very nicely. even Vietnam, which is the only country I was kind of nervous about visiting.
staying and fixing the country isn't really worth it right now, that's like suggesting someone stay in an abuseive household and "fix" their abusive father.
get out of the house first, go from there.
Most US democrats are actually cowards: unwilling to do anything outside of internet complaints, convincing mentally ill people to commit violence for them online, pathetic finger waggling or holding up signs/paddles so they can high-five each other at the end of a productive day doing nothing.
Passports only matter if you want to come back
Or if you want to enter another place.
If you just want to stay on your boat in the middle of the Atlantic, you don't really need one.
That’s not true. Most countries require one to enter their country from another.
Try and fly to another country without a passport - you wouldn't get past security.
haha, no, they're pretty important across the board for travel.
americans on their way to destroy another country (they already managed to destroy the one they were living in)
Americans who travel, as with all travelers, tend to become open-mindedx curious and engaging people; traveling makes people better.
"They're not sending their best."
It's your presidents words by the way.
This is not accurate. The people with the capability and can afford to leave a country is typically more educated and have a higher net worth.
During a "Brain Drain", your country is literally get the best of the best.
you clearly misunderstand this statement, this was referring to the instance where trump was talking about prisoners, criminals, and insane people being "shipped" into america en mass.
“Rapists and murderers”