with all the stupid shit happening around me
with all the stupid shit happening around me
with all the stupid shit happening around me
americans on their way to destroy another country (they already managed to destroy the one they were living in)
The ones leaving aren't the ones that destroyed it
truuue thay
sure thing. "we did all we could!!!! we placed an X on a ballot and that didn't work so it's time to run away"
Have you considered that at least some of us have attended protests too? What are your suggestions? Revolution sounds good to me too, but I’m afraid that’s a hard one to get started and, with our surveillance state, a pretty sure way to end up in prison.
Not to mention we'd be fighting against the might of the US military.
Last time I checked they've got the capability to turn someone to paint faster than you can say, "Do you hear something?"
It's call Brain Drain. I left during the first Trump presidency.
Where'd you go? Does it pay well? Is child care good? Where do you recommend going?
I moved to Taiwan. Pay is less than America, but cost of living is also way less so it's relative. We get universal health care which offsets the lower income.
For reference, my water bill is around 30usd a month and my electric is 100usd. My 5G unlimited data cellphone is 20usd a month.
Childcare is way cheaper than America, and more abundant.
How did you get the work visa ? Did someone sponsor you? Was working remotely employed to your USA job an option?
My family has Taiwanese citizenship. But to get a Gold Card status, the requirements are not too difficult. There are a certain skillset that Taiwan government is looking to import. The gold card has a full path to citizenship.
When I first came over I just worked nights at my American job. I just didn't tell them and worked via VPN.
Much later, I started picking up work locally as a freelancer and now globally.
I no longer have a job American job.
Yeah, how dare these people not stick around so they can be the first ones in the camps?!
sure, let's have all the poor minorities that can't afford to run be the ones in camps while we privileged white folks just get a nice place at some european country
This is pure brainrot
Americans who travel, as with all travelers, tend to become open-mindedx curious and engaging people; traveling makes people better.