Elon Musk Begs Tesla Staff Not to Sell Their Stocks
Elon Musk Begs Tesla Staff Not to Sell Their Stocks

Elon Musk Begs Tesla Staff Not to Sell Their Stocks

Keep it going. Canada, you're doing great.
Elon Musk Begs Tesla Staff Not to Sell Their Stocks
Elon Musk Begs Tesla Staff Not to Sell Their Stocks
Keep it going. Canada, you're doing great.
I mean, if Jim Cramer is telling me to buy something, I'm gonna sell it. If he's telling me to sell, I'm gonna buy more. Never seen a stock guy wrong as often as him.
All of them are wrong. But he is the wrongest
I'm like 90% sure there is actually a mutual fund for the opposite of his recommendations.
So I just checked and it looks like the Inverse Jim Kramer Fund closed due to lack of interest.
It was doing well though, right under the Pelosi fund when it shuttered. Much better that following him at the very least.