i love the modern web
i love the modern web
i love the modern web
Is the insinuation that Visa, Mastercard, and Google Ads are responsible for banning trans adults a reference to the big nsfw censorship push Tumblr did?
That isn't the only place where they've done so, just one that is memorable because of how it crushed the site.
What are the other ones? I'm curious because I don't like these companies, but I don't really know the specifics of how they are imposing their preferences on this kind of thing
Legal weed, in general is another big example.
Porn https://otakuusamagazine.com/visa-and-mastercard-refuse-to-work-with-another-doujinshi-retailer/
It's pretty well known that payment processors are captured by Christian cultists. Patreon routinely screws over adult content creators because it's incredibly difficult to get money owed by those fucks if they don't approve of what you're doing.