What podcast(s) do you recommend?
What podcast(s) do you recommend?
If you listen to any podcast(s) you recommend, tell us about it
What podcast(s) do you recommend?
If you listen to any podcast(s) you recommend, tell us about it
Behind the Bastards has already been shouted out a lot. And I’m sure lots of folks on lemmy are big fans of Robert Evans as it is, but I haven’t seen It Could Happen Here or friend of both those pods Knowledge Fight mentioned. Both well worth listening to
I’m a fan of ICHH, but my god, for an anticapitalist podcast they really need to lay off the ads just a little bit
This has nothing to do with what I said
Criticizing anti-capitalism media for existing in a capitalistic system is literally the last panel. I'm sure we agree on most things if you listened to ICHH as well, so I'm not trying to argue or start a fight.
But Evans has to eat, pay rent and deserves to make profit off his time like the rest of us. Personally, I feel as if you're falling into the "AoC/Bernie/Hasan has money and are hypocritical socialists" style trap, which is at best lazy and worst willfully ignorant of the context in which we all live.
The podcast wouldn't exist without ads, so ads are a weird thing to complain about. It's the message that is important and ads don't diminish that anti capitalistic message.
Not just Evans, but Mia, Gar (sp?), James, and their other contributors.
Yeah except I never said their arguments aren’t valid like the comic is suggesting. Nor did I say they shouldn’t run ads at all. All I said was the amount of ads is tiresome.
For this comic to be relevant I’d have to have said something along the line of “Im not going to listen to what they say because they run ads”
I’m happy for Robert and co.’s success, I just wish they had a model that didn’t rely so heavily on advertising, like some other leftist content creators I listen to.
You can always listen to the weekly omnibus episode that only has ad breaks between each full segment. Or get good with your skip forward button.
for an anticapitalist podcast they really need to lay off the ads just a little bit
May I know what do you mean?
The podcast is critical of corpratism and consumerism, but they run like 5 minutes of ads every 10 minutes. Its excessive
It's an I Heart Radio podcast right? I♡R suuuuuvks.
I love Cool Zone Media's output, but their parent company is exhausting.
It's not like they are unskippable ads, so i don't think it's as bad as YouTube or Hulu or whatever.
I’ve been a Cooler Zone Media subscriber since they launched that and it’s so much better without ads. I consumed a bunch of their content so $5 is well worth it for me
I would too but afaik its only available on apple podcasts :(