How it started vs. How it's going
How it started vs. How it's going
How it started vs. How it's going
Bet you $1,000 the credentials are stored in plain text.
Not just plain text, but hard coded.
On the frontend.
Having a backend is bloat. I do all my DB transactions straight from the frontend
I actually build a full copy of the DB on the client machine. That way I can't lose the data, it's all right there and so fast.
My db runs on the user's browser via WASM.
Obviously hand coded. After all, he just discovered that there are people, or more probably bots, who will use open resources for their own uses.
Classic vibe coder things.
I've heard that phrase a handful of times now and it's already making my eye twitch. Though I don't think it's meant to be complimentary.
Bow before the machine spirit! Taste the fruit of its wisdom!
Wonder if ChatGPT just scraped an example token from somewhere and is using that.
It's in a textbook, and that's a trusted source!
Not exactly related, but I run an unraid game server for friends and use a lot of the preconstructed docker apps for games.
Most of them come with the server name preset and the server password preset.
I've jumped into many a "private" server called Docker-GAMENAME with the password still set to "Docker"
I think it was some XMPP related server I ran quite a few years ago which had 'i_have_read_the_manual = 0' or something similar buried into default configuration file. And it would just silently exit if that variable was not set properly.
Maybe we need more things like that.
And it would just silently exit if that variable was not set properly.
Would’ve used that debug log to scold the end-user. “If you’ve actually read the first 3 lines of the documentation you wouldn’t be seeing this.”
What are they, Sony?
I've never seen an LLM response be cavalier with credentials.
I've never seen the Holocaust happen with my own eyes either. Must not have happened.