What's the difference between nazi and facist?
What's the difference between nazi and facist?
What's the difference between nazi and facist?
Nazism was the ideology of the Nazi party in 1930s Germany, and Fascism was the ideology of Italy under Mussolini. The main difference was that Nazism had more of an emphasis on racial purity and racism, whereas fascism was more focused on totalitarian, authoritarian control.
In the context of insulting a modern day extreme right wing person though, they're pretty much synonymous.
whereas fascism was more focused on totalitarian, authoritarian control
Really? As I recall, Mussolini was less authoritarian than Hitler
The term fascism is way older, goes back to at least ancient rome.
The idea being that the group stand above the individual: fasces being a bundle of stick. It motivates sacrifice of self and others for a group by stating the individual stick is weak, but the bundle is strong.
The difference between the word and the ideology.
Ceasar's rome was fascist in name and ideology.
Where did you read that?
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces section Rome > Imperial Period
that only seems to talk about the use of the fasces as a symbol, which is pretty different from explicitly calling oneselves fascists, or holding specifically fascist beliefs. the same article lists a ton of other places one can find fasces. the symbol is much older than the ideology, but that doesn't mean anything using the symbol shares the ideology.
Has any credible expert ever supported the claim that "Ceasar’s rome was fascist in name and ideology"
No, it wasn’t.