Who owns the boats?
Who owns the boats?
Who owns the boats?
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I live somewhere poor but by the ocean. Boats everywhere. Everyone has one. They're all poor as shit yet they still have boats. How is this possible?
You can buy a beaten up old aluminum dingy for very little, and make it worth your while by bringing home seafood.
You can have a boat for quite cheap.
It was sarcasm. I didn't /s
In the 40s, the Soviets tried to use Grapes of Wrath as anti American propaganda on their people. It failed because their citizens were impressed that even the poor abused people could afford a car.
That would be like people being impressed the average person has a horse in a desert. Just because you have one doesn't mean it's been taken care of.
Still better than none.
What's the horse's name, just out of interest?
Everyone is secretly millionaires
Except you, of course.
Ewww, gross, it's the poor.