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“French cut” green beans make me irrationally angry.
They have a uniquely terrible taste, but I don't understand how just the way they're cut could produce that taste. I think maybe they're also soaked in lye or something. Or maybe the exposed inner part of the beans absorbs metal from the can.
I'm guessing it's more dependent on the brands you're buying, but there shouldn't be that significant of a flavor change. Also most cans have a liner inside them to protect the contents from chemically affecting the contents. I just checked a few sources for various products, and all of them were simply the beans in a water solution.
Some did include salt, which may be having a minor effect. The French cut, julienne, provides a higher surface area / volume ratio. This means the beans will "marinate" in the solution more effectively than larger cut beans. As in, the salt and water have better access to the inner parts of the beam, leaving them more tender and "marinated."
I'm using that weird very loosely because I honestly can't remember the right word.
It’s not the taste so much as the texture. The difference in a green bean casserole made with French cut green beans and whole, cut, green beans is night and day. And by that I mean only one is worth eating. The other is just mush.
Please, explain
The anger is irrational and thus cannot be rationally explained.
Can I ask you to explain it crazy then?
Sure thing
I think I remember this one... Banned Wow account? Tv remote up butt?
ding ding ding
Perfect, thanks!