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GamersNexus responds to Linus Sebastian's WAN Show segment Our Response to Linus Sebastian | GamersNexus

GN Extras Our Response to Linus Sebastian January 21, 2025 Last Updated: 2025-01-21 GamersNexus responds to Linus Sebastian's WAN Show segment Evidence Included PLAGIARISM: Receipt #1 - History of Failure to Resolve IssuesDATA ERRORS: Receipt #2 - History of Failure to Resolve IssuesEDITORIAL DISPUT...

Our Response to Linus Sebastian | GamersNexus


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  • GamerNexus seeks out this kind of drama and it’s non-stop. Really an insufferable channel

    • Ah yes, a lovely little trap.

      First its all "GamersNexus should just stop acknowledging LTT! So insufferable!"

      Then if that happens, it quickly becomes "What, so GamersNexus cant even report on LTT? PFft, so much for integrity and advocacy!"

      • More like trying to make their name off of the backs of LTT, ankle biting and the like

        • Sure it is buddy.

          Cause Dear Leader can do no wrong.

          Just a great big mean ol conspiracy.

          • Ok lol I don’t care about Linus, I find Steve’s constant drama bait annoying. Literally just trying to take advantage of other people’s investigative journalism and ride the wave. It’s not just LTT, it’s something new every week.

            • "Im TOOOOOTALLY not a follower of dear leader. I'm a super independent thinker who is just coincidentally pushing the same narrative and spewing baseless hate for the guy Dear Leader wants attacked.*

              • Linus is saying this too? lol I didn’t even realize I assumed Linus was all “we’re humble and also did nothing wrong”. If he’s straight up just pointing out how low rent the tactic is then yeah I guess we’re coincidently aligned

                Edit - For the record I’m sure Steve is right about his claims, I’m just saying it’s a pattern that he tears people down every week in an effort to look like a “journalist” and I find that part tacky. I enjoy good reviews