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Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD."

Trope or not, gods just end up being a common target for games about heroes escalating in power while fighting increasingly world-destroying consequences.

So, for each post, name a game and describe it, with the assumption being that every description automatically ends with the phrase:

"...and then it ends with you fighting a god."

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  • Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13

    • Start off figuring out why meteors are falling and the wind has died
    • Start off fighting a snail while using magic machines
    • Start off as a terrorist
    • Start off as an emo student
    • Start off sneaking into a play
    • Start off with blitzball
    • Start heading down the hallway
    • Haven't finished 1,2,3 but spoilers below:

      • I don't think it counts under what I understood the prompt in the OP is all about. But then again, it's been a while since I last played that game, and I hardly paid much attention to the story (got too icked out by the love story). Cool game mechanics tho.

        • Edit

          • That last sentence in the first spoiler is more or less my take on her situation.

            • FF8 spoiler response ::: spoiler spoiler

              Yeah, I agree especially with her being a tragic character her final lines sounds line someone desperate:

              "Recall a memory from your childhood. The sensations, emotions, the words from back then. Growing up means leaving something behind and throwing something away. Time will not wait, no matter how hard you hold onto it, it escapes you. And ...",

              especially considering how Ellone's powers work

              I think it is repeated (at least once already) or she achieved some form of omnipotence with her time compression as her plans seem to have a definitive goal to them like she knows who to look for (Adel and Ellone) and what to do to achieve her ends. Edea (forgot her name) probably still had enough power to "guide" her a bit but ultimately she was overpowered most likely, until Ultimecia released her power to hop to the next one.

              Yeah, Squall could have finished that in a few ways - although, I guess seeing Ultimecia survive (especially after she implanted that final thought, in retrospect), his instincts probably didn't want to take the chance of her time hopping again and wanted the time line to be prepared. Also he couldn't kill an innocent person either and risk one of the orphans getting the power as Edea tells him

              The love story between Squall and Rinoa can be melodramatic, but it is done well enough with Rinoa peeling away the layers of edge off of Squall.

              Laguna and Raine though, I agree was a lot better and I think Raine understood the type of person Laguna was and supported him - her personality was like his in some ways. She probably saw Ellone as a daughter as well and knew how far he would go to protect her, which is why she probably kept her pregnancy quiet to not distract him on his quest to save their "daughter". :::

              • Oh! Forgot which event happened after which other event in that long cutscene after the final boss battle.

                EDIT: failed my spoiler formatting