YSK how to pick a ripe, sweet watermelon
YSK how to pick a ripe, sweet watermelon
Why YSK: These tips may help you pick a more ripe, juicier, sweeter watermelon.
YSK how to pick a ripe, sweet watermelon
Why YSK: These tips may help you pick a more ripe, juicier, sweeter watermelon.
There’s nothing better and more comforting than sitting down with a cold watermelon in the middle of summer.
Conversely, there’s nothing worse than sitting down with an unsweetened, tasteless garbage ball of a watermelon.
Saving this to increase my odds!
Honestly, I actually prefer the bigger, firmer, less sweet watermelons over the smaller, softer, sweeter ones. I don't like how the small sweet ones sometimes have a slightly mealy texture, and prefer a lot of cold watermelon texture with a bit of the sweet melon flavor over a smaller amount of melon with a flavor that can be a bit more intense than I'd like it.
Tasteless watermelon is a crime against humanity.
I agree, but it's nothing a good sprinkle of tajin can't solve
Mmm, tajin. Solution to most of life's problems.
Fun fact: Tajín goes well with tasteless watermelons because they're actually sweet giant watery cucumbers.
Learning something new every day.