Hi all - recently moved my old docker setup across to Podman rootless containers, however I am having some trouble with getting my Plex container to use the on CPU hardware transcoding.
"/dev/dri" device is being passed into the container and after reading, I also added "--group-add=keep-groups" to my configuration.
Still no luck getting the "video" group to the plex user inside the container so it can access the device.
Anyone successfully running rootless Plex with H/W transcode?
I use both containers and native installs. Native is nice for certain self-contained applications, Plex included IMO. For others, especially those that require a database or some other "messy" setup, containers are easily the superior option.
No madness. I know it works natively. I also know it works perfectly well with a rootfull container.
All of my other applications are running in containers and having Plex also run in a container would simplify my overall architecture and recovery, should I need to replace the host.