Uyghurs and Ukraine are great filters for figuring out who's actually a fascist
Uyghurs and Ukraine are great filters for figuring out who's actually a fascist
Uyghurs and Ukraine are great filters for figuring out who's actually a fascist
Oh, so you're not fine with that genocide? That's great, because I'm not either, which is why I plan to vote third party. I assume you'll join me in that, since you're also not fine with it.
Voting third party in the US is still not going to change anything about the genocide in Palestine.
All you are really doing is increasing the odds of Trump winning, which would make you complicit in the total wipe out of Palestine and the destruction of democracy in the US when Trump gets to be dictator for a day. (using your logic)
That's what they love most about it. They don't oppose genocide - they, in fact, love genocide. Genocide by their favored countries are, of course, 'based' to them, while genocide by their hated countries they egg on to become as horrific as possible so they can feel better about being an 'enemy' of that country ('enemy' here meaning, of course, 'someone who smugposts online about them occasionally while doing absolutely nothing of value in opposition to them')
Oh, so you’re not fine with that genocide?
Wow, after calling this a genocide since even before the latest post Oct-7 phase of the war, you finally figured out that I'm not okay with Palestinian genocide! How quick you are on the uptake!
That’s great, because I’m not either, which is why I plan to vote third party.
"I don't support genocide, so I'm going to support the candidate who's most in favor of it" is a really funny way of opposing genocide, but about what I would expect from a fascist.
you finally figured out
I was well aware of your positions from the start, which is why I correctly said that you are fine with the Palestinian genocide.
“I don’t support genocide, so I’m going to support the candidate who’s most in favor of it”
I'm not supporting any candidate who's in favor of genocide. I see you're adding another strawman on top of your already constant strawmanning of calling me a fascist.
It seems that your belief is that the United States has no chance of electing a candidate who is opposed to the Palestinian genocide, which you're Very Definitely Not Fine With™. So then, it seems like if they can't be stopped domestically, maybe they can be pressured internationally. There's really only one country that's in a position to challenge the American hegemony which enables the Palestinian genocide, which you are again, Very Definitely Not Fine With™. And yet, you're repeating completely baseless rumors and hearsay put out by the country supporting the thing you're Very Definitely Not Fine With™ against its chief rival. So then, it seems clear that you're not interested in actually applying any sort of pressure at all, whether domestic or international, to stop the thing you're Very Definitely Not Fine With™. It seems to me that your claims of being not fine with it are completely meaningless and performative, and you are, in actuality, Fine With It™.
I was well aware of your positions from the start, which is why I correctly said that you are fine with the Palestinian genocide.
Apparently, you lack basic reading comprehension. Or you think opposing genocide is supporting genocide, which would explain a lot about your rather pro-genocidal views.
I’m not supporting any candidate who’s in favor of genocide.
You quite clearly are, lmao. But far be it for me to try to give you a basic education in civics - or a lesson on why genocide is bad and why you SHOULD oppose it, even though you prefer to be a cheerleader for it.
Literally all you have is strawmanning and name-calling. Still waiting for a shred of evidence, it's weird that you've engaged with me this much without dropping any. Like, if I were engaging with an actual Nazi who was engaging in Holocaust denialism, I'd have definitely dropped some of the veritable mountain of evidence that exists on it by now. It's too bad you can't do that with me, because I'm not a Nazi and the "genocide" I'm denying has no evidence at all.
or a lesson on why genocide is bad and why you SHOULD oppose it
What exactly does "opposing" mean here? Reading news stories and shaking your head to show you disagree, while supporting the people doing it and calling everyone who actually opposes it a Nazi?
Apparently, you lack basic reading comprehension
You know that thing you do where you assign views to people without them saying it, even when they explicitly and repeatedly deny holding those views? I'm just doing that to you. I have a much stronger case to say you're fine with the Palestinian genocide than you do in calling me a fascist.
Like, if I were engaging with an actual Nazi who was engaging in Holocaust denialism,
You'd do everything you could to legitimize their view, I know. I wouldn't, but that's just me - silly ol' 'liberal' that I am, not believing that fascism is just something to be 'argued down' in the marketplace of ideas. :)
Right, you have all the evidence right there in front of you, you could pop off a quick link in any of these conversations but you choose not to because that would be "legitimizing my view." Having these conversations doesn't do that, because, uh, reasons, it's only when you support your position with evidence that it, uh, legitimizes the other side. Somehow.
The correct way to deal with Nazis, according to you, is to engage with them and let them argue all their points, but, and this is crucial, don't provide any evidence they're wrong. That is hilariously wrong.
The best part of that strategy is that makes you feel like you've accomplished something, which is really what matters.
If you'd like to suggest a better solution to stoping the genocide, I'm all ears. And no, voting for people supporting and perpetuating it is not a solution.
Stopping the genocide by having full bigoted fascism take over.
I mean, of course you don't actually care about people dying or human rights violations. You approve of what's happening to Uyghurs. You just want Donald to destabilize the US so China can gain influence.
I'm just not sure why you're such a fan of state capitalism with producing hundreds of billionaires characteristics.