Welcome to Lauren's Wedding
Welcome to Lauren's Wedding
Welcome to Lauren's Wedding
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That sign cost more than my wedding
...i think we paid $500 all-in, including the minister, the gazebo, and taking the wedding party to lunch afterward...
Uncle married us, at my aunt's house(nice spot) and my dad paid for lunch after. Only mistake I made was I didn't know my mom was out of town so she wasn't there 🤣. But my wife gave her a grandchild so that's water under the bridge now. Wife's dress was like $35 from Francesca's and I wore a suit I already had. Her engagement ring on the other hand was like $8k. My wending band $30 and a possible future ring finger degloved because it's titanium.
Isn't there something that says rich weddings lead to quick divorces?
No better way to be sure that your partner is frugal and not in it for the money than a cheap wedding. Your interests have to be aligned or it never works.
I think we are going to one day just see a return to the medieval European wedding. Basically used to be you didn't need a priest or an occasion... You just made your vows ideally in front of witnesses who could back you up that it actually happened.
Common advice to young women was not to get married in taverns because a raucous party where everyone got too drunk to remember what exactly was said and done could leave you with essentially a one night stand where everyone could just deny the groom actually made vows. This is the situation that eventually lead to marriages being registered by a church official and eventually making marriages an institution of the church.
Given how things are going with folks basically just telling the tax man when they are married under common law we are not super far off.
I think the sign is designed to make it easy to change "Greg" to someone else and reuse.
TFW your name as fiancee is written with white board marker.
Im sure you are her 1st choice.
Maybe she's just now finding out, too
"And Introducing...Greg!"
Eh, it could very easily be a DIY with a vinyl cutter
Still more expensive than my wedding lol
We basically eloped in front of family with a family member performing the ceremony
You're saying it's easy to DIY and get a result that doesn't look like shit?
No, I'm saying it could likely be a DIY project, with the right tools. I've never done it before, but it's a fairly common thing to diy these signs if you're on a budget.