Remote View
Common imports from the US. Be aware and check the origin!
Common imports from the US. Be aware and check the origin!
Common imports from the US. Be aware and check the origin!
Dates as well, medjool variety often comes from the us iirc
Also Israel.
Accidentally bought Israeli potatoes the other day what kind of sick fuck grows potatoes in Israel and ships them to the uk fml 🤦♂️
i'd extend that to "who the fuck imports potatoes", it's the one crop that grows effortlessly basically anywhere
Potato: the unbothered chad of the vegetable kingdom, muddy, chalky, dry, soaked, doesn’t matter. Happy. Calm. Multiplying. In its element. 🥔 👑
Yeah just buy from a local farmer ifnyou have a chance, saves money, supports the farmer and short transports mean less enviromental pollition