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Self-Hosted Alternatives to Popular Services

  • GitHub - outline/outline: The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible. GitHub - outline/outline: The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible.

    The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible. - GitHub - outline/outline: The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. B...

    GitHub - outline/outline: The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible.
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/codesharer on 2023-08-07 23:58:33.

  • Kahoot like self hosted quiz
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/abura_dot_eu on 2023-08-07 10:44:22. *** Hello,

    I'm looking for a self hosted (pub) quiz in the form of Kahoot. What I would like it to be able to is to have pictures, multiple answers, audio / video files (either links to YT/Spotify).

    I have found some options, but none that tick all the boxes. Some older ones one Github that are not updated/seem to work properly. Even if you have a free alternative that's not selfhosted, that could be a start. Cheers.

    I tried/looked at these

  • Introducing Receipt Wrangler: A self-hosted Receipt Manager (Wrangler!)
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Dramatic_Ad5442 on 2023-08-07 23:18:58. *** Hello everyone! Quick demo GIF

    My name is Noah, and over the past year, I have been working on building Receipt Wrangler.

    At its core, Receipt Wrangler is a way to store, and manage receipts, split receipts amongst users, keep track of who owes who and eventually gain some insight on your spending.

    The goal is to make Receipt Wrangler easy to use, and deploy, but still provide some advanced features for those who would like them. This is mainly in the form of dashboards, which is currently a planned feature, where users can configure their own dashboards, to see things like recent activity in the group, some configurable receipt queries, AI generated reports over a configured time period, ect.


    • Multi user
    • Uses a group concept, to allow users to share receipts amongst the group
    • Opt in OCR + AI scanning to fill in receipts (Lots of WIP in this area!, OpenAI currently but self hosted models in the future)
    • Receipt searching
    • Receipt filtering
    • Containerized for easy deployment and management

    Planned features:

    • Dashboards for spending analytics
    • AI generated reports
    • Mobile App (very early development stage, designs in progress)

    I have used it for about 6 months or so, to manage my receipts between my SO, friends and family and has come handy many times, so I felt like now is a good time to share it with you all.

    Check it out if you'd like, and please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.

    Source & Documentation

    Wrangle on!

    EDIT: Added GIF link

  • Limiting access to EC2 instances from my Home Network only?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Few_Middle2952 on 2023-08-07 19:55:58. *** Hello everyone,

    I asked this question on r/aws a while ago, but I'd also like to gather insights from this community.

    Here's my situation: I have a home network with GTPL ISP and I'm looking to set up a configuration where only my home network can access all of my EC2 instances.

    I've already set up Dynamic DNS with my router, and I've attached a No-IP host URL that's working well. Even after renewing my public IP, it updates correctly in No-IP.

    Now, my question is: How can I associate my DDNS host endpoint with EC2 instances so that only my home network has access?

    Thank you!

  • What's one app you are hosting that you unexpectedly find yourself using frequently?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/ur_mamas_krama on 2023-08-07 19:40:14. *** I discovered audiobookshelf without any prior interest in audiobooks, even though I regularly listen to numerous podcasts. After installing audiobookshelf, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself using it almost daily!

    Have you come across an app that you installed and hosted, and it unexpectedly became a regular part of your routine, bringing you joy or productivity?

  • Turning your home server on and off remotely
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/OnTheTr4ck on 2023-08-07 18:07:21. *** If you don't want to keep your home server on all the time, and you've got a little Rapsberry Pi plugged in the corner, then take a look here.

    Perfect for HP ProLiant servers as it works with iLO technology in addition to Wake-on-LAN of course and you can easily create a module to start and stop your server as you wish. You can also check its status.

    You can also use it to bypass the technical restrictions preventing the broadcasting of a magic packet (WOL) within the internal network over a VPN. This way you can start and stop it from the outside.

  • Avoid SNI snooping without VPN
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Mick2k1 on 2023-08-07 16:19:02. *** Hello! I live in a kind of student house and in order to use internet I must bypass a captive portal with my university credentials

    I moved my glinet with adguard home to nextdns to, eventually, a self hosted adguard home with DoH/DoT

    Now the problem is that the domains I visit are plain text both in the DNS as in the TLS as the SNI.. I managed to encrypt the first ones but have no idea how to cope with the SNI..

    So far my only solution has been hosting a wireguard server and using this self hosted VPN H24, obviously this solution is a bit of a workaround, performances are a bit bad (even because my vps is in USA while I'm in Europe)..

    I checked the many new proposed protocols that will encrypt SNI but as of today are still experimental and not supported

    Do you all think I'm worrying for nothing or there is another way to hide the SNI? I was thinking a way of using my vps, encrypting the SNI from me to vps and resolving the SNI there (a proxy actually) but didn't study yet on this

    Thank you all!

  • Chrome trying to DRM the internet
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/luky92 on 2023-08-07 10:04:52. *** We need to try doing something about it otherwise it's going to backfire for us Lookup web environment integrity you will see what I'm talking about

  • Admin panel for VPS with a red crab logo?? What's the name?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Verolee on 2023-08-07 01:32:58. *** I can't remember the technical term, but I think it was a Caprover alternative. The UI was pretty, like CasaOS.

  • I made a Python script that adds movies from a Letterboxd watchlist to your Plex watchlist and Radarr GitHub - Choff3/letterboxd-sync

    Contribute to Choff3/letterboxd-sync development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Choff3/letterboxd-sync
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Bancas on 2023-08-07 00:48:28.

  • Orb v0.24 has been released
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Shendryl on 2023-08-07 00:27:26. *** Version 0.24 of the free and open source web desktop named Orb has been released. It simulates a Windows-like desktop in a web browser. You can use it to access files on a server or a NAS in an easy and secure way.

    Download source | Demo website

    Orb screenshot

    Since the previous post about Orb, a clock application has been added, the manual has been updated and users can now execute their own Javascripts to automate tasks or customize their Orb desktop. Several improvements have been made to make Orb work even more smooth.

  • [Release] CargoDeck v1.0.0 - dynamic container inventory
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/fsteff on 2023-08-07 00:20:56. *** After a good long vacation with my family, and several evenings of work, here's a much improved new version of CargoDesk. I've tried to make it as flexible as possible, and for now, it's a perfect fit for my needs (and slightly more).

    I spend some time making better documentation, and now I hope it's going to be easy and useable for everyone.

    Note: It's not label-compatible with version 0.1 - but it's easily updated.

    With the release of the PoC (version 0.1) I was asked to describe in simple terms what this is, so here are some more words:

    CargoDesk is a web application that provides a dynamic dashboard for Docker Containers. Developed using Python, Flask, Gunicorn, and Gevent, it provides an easy-to-use interface for displaying links to Docker instances and user-defined links. This dynamic functionality is made possible through Docker labels associated with running containers.

    CargoDesk's simple web interface is defined through environment variables and Docker labels, giving you complete control over the displayed content. It is equipped to handle multiple instances running on different ports with unique label matches. To assist with debugging and monitoring of your Docker system, CargoDesk also includes a simple feature for error visualization when unexpected container behaviors are detected.

    CargoDesk allows for additional customization through CSS and jinja2 templates. It can be configured to auto-refresh the page, with a specified interval between screen refreshes. With its dynamic nature, users can easily add or modify site components, such as icons, notes, and URLs, and create new sections as needed.

    With its label-centric approach, the configuration is easy. Add or adjust the Docker labels on your containers, and CargoDesk adjusts accordingly. This offers an easy way to specify a container's role or link it to a specific service. You can even add multiple labels to a single container, allowing you to create complex and detailed interfaces without the need for manual coding.

    The installation process of CargoDesk is straightforward. It comes with both a simple and an advanced docker-compose.yml file, which allows you to easily set up some test services to get a feel for it. For a container to show up on CargoDesk, you only need to attach a single label to it - although more labels will improve the useability.

    CargoDesk's site layout includes the following elements: Site Header, Site Navigation, Section Header, Cards Section, Section Footer, and Site Footer. All parts of these are configured through labels on your containers, providing a highly customizable and flexible tool for Docker management.

    CargoDesk v1.0.0 introduced several new and renamed labels to increase the flexibility to customize your inventory dashboard.

    Github site:

    Availavle on docker hub:

    (The previous version is still available on the Docker hub by specifying the '0.1' tag)

  • Self Hostable Productivity Tracker
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/PsychologicalToe8064 on 2023-08-06 22:54:12. *** I recently created a productivity tracker (Similar to Iphone "Forest" app) for my home server. It tracks how long you've studied, worked, etc. with the option for creating custom tags to analyze later. If anyone out there likes tracking there time spent focused but doesn't want to deal with using a phone, time limits on sessions, this is for you.

  • Are you actually comfortable with running kubernetes?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Nils-22 on 2023-08-06 19:40:41. *** First post here, because this just drives me nuts and has kept me busy for months.

    Quick introduction to me:

    • I would describe me as pretty tech savvy
    • I work in IT (Primary selling and deploying Microsoft SaaS as Consultant but also did administration before)
    • I have a not small homelab
      • 6 Servers
        • 1x Storage Server (about 60TB of spinning rust usable)
        • 1x dedicated backup server for Proxmox and docker running PBS and Minio
        • 1x dedicated management server (Git, Portainer, Jenkins, etc.)
        • 3 node Proxmox cluster (1x beefy server and 2x small node using an N100 in a 1u case)
      • 10g backhaul

    My "problem":

    I currently mainly use VMs with Docker for deploying all my services but, as we all are somewhat the same we want to try other things and the homelab never has a state where we are 100% satisfied, so I wanted to try kubernetes. Mainly for HA because some of my services are used by other people and the services should stay available if one server goes down.

    I successfully deployed now a k3s 3 node cluster with Longhorn as storage and everything is working fine. Actually so well it ran since I began using it without problems non stop which i can't say about my Docker environment (but thats mainly caused by my backups which is hopefully fixed now with the dedicated backup server).

    I have been doing and learning quite a bit with kubernetes the last few months but just can't seem to get comfortable with it. My problem now is that I don't really trust my self operating this kubernetes cluster. What happens when the cluster goes boom and I have to redeploy all services. Its not just restoring the files and one command and everything runs. I need to create a new cluster or repair it, restore the data using Longhorn and then start the service with the restored PVCs.

    With my docker services the backup currently contains everything I need to redeploy it (all application data and the the docker-compose file) so I just restore the files, run docker compose up -d and it runs again.

    Do those of you using kubernetes (and not using it at work) are actually comfortable using it and have a plan to restore?

  • How do I make Nginx reverse proxy work?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Anejey on 2023-08-06 17:12:45. *** Hello,

    I'm trying to set up Nging proxy manager to get rid of having to use different ports for all my services constantly, and also to be able to use Pihole local DNS. But I'm absolutely clueless as to how to do it. I'm reading guides, but I'm always confused at the end. It seems like every person is assuming I have 10 years of experience already.

    I have NPM installed in a separate container on Proxmox. I have the gui open. I click on add proxy host, I put in the ip "" as the domain, I set it to forward to "" on http. Nothing happens. I try adding the proxy to my internet settings. Now everything hosted locally forwards to NPM login screen. Why? How? What?

    I just don't understand how it's supposed to work. If I google the problem I get page long configs I'm supposed to paste somewhere. I thought the whole meaning of the gui was to set it up from there?

    I have Caddy (also a reverse proxy) running on my VPS to be able to use Plex and Jellyfin from my domain, and it works perfectly. But when it comes to doing it locally I'm just clueless.

    Any advice is appreciated.

  • FileFlows: Self hosted file processing, videos, audio, images, anything
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/the_reven on 2023-08-06 11:32:47. *** Hopefully this post is ok, trying to get word out on my app.


    Basically its a self hosted app that processes any file you want through distributed processing nodes. So for example you can transcode all your video files to a format that suits your needs, and split that work between the server and a windows node, or mac, or linux.

    It monitors "Libraries" (folders/paths) for files and will process them automatically, or based on schedules.

    Its most similar to tdarr but mixed with node-red. But not limited to video files, that definitely the most common usage of it (and why I wrote it for), but since its based on files, it can process anything. You can execute other apps from within the flow so not limited to whats built in.

    Users can write scripts that can be shared using Javascript (powered by Jint, so C# powered aswell).

    There's a free tier that covers 96% of users, and nothing in the actual flow processing requires a subscription, but some of the fancier features like better dashboards, external database support, more processing nodes (2 in the free) need a patreon subscription.

    It gets very regular updates, I'm releasing basically weekly, and have this last week I just added support for community flows to make it easy for users to share flows and help others get up and running faster.

    A very typical use case is to have FFmpeg convert all your video files to a specific codec, audio codec, removing black bars from videos, removing unwanted audio, subtitles, remuxing to mkv/mp4.

    Or you may want to create thumbnails of all your images.

    Platforms supported: Docker, Linux, Windows, MacOS, unRAID (in the community app store)

  • Cannot reverse proxy to Portainer via Caddy
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/bux024 on 2023-08-06 00:07:54. *** Greetings,

    I currently have a vServer (rented online) running on Ubuntu including Docker.

    Portainer is currently hosted via Docker.

    Now I want to use Caddy to reverse-proxy to the Portainer web GUI when visiting

    Caddyfile etc. is set up and Caddy does not throw any errors.

    My Caddyfile:

    ``` { reverse_proxy 123.456.789.012:9443 }


    The subdomain is registered at my Domain provider.

    Now if I go to , the following portainer error appears:

    ``` Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.


    As this is a well known Portainer error message, I assume my Caddyfile works.

    But what is the reason I cannot access the Portainweb web GUI / why does this error appear even if I use https?

    Please note that the server is offline for 90% of the time as I'm still playing around. I know that having stuff exposed to the internet is super risky.

    I'm pretty new to the proxy stuff so any help is highly appreciated.

    Thanks folks!

  • How do you promote your library?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/AwkwardVomiting78 on 2023-08-06 08:36:43. *** I have lately released my library and tried to promote it in many ways 😆

    This is only what I have found so far:

    Awesome OSS Alternative - looks good, but not sure it's still being updated (pops up first on google)

    GitHub20k - Not a lot of stars, but looks like the founder promote the libraries there over Twitter and DEV.

    Open Source Alternative To - looks pretty nice, not sure how much it helps.

    Dev Hunt - This is interesting, kind of like product hunt for open-source.

    Do you have more? 🙈

    EDIT: clarification - if you have a self hosted library over GitHub, you might try to promote it over different channels, here are some of the channel you can promote it on, I am trying to figure out if there are more channels 🚀

  • Self hosted tv channels?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/ithakaa on 2023-08-06 04:26:06. *** So Im running Jellyfin and Infuse but can switch to whatever provides the solution

    I'd like to mimic a TV station with channels and EPG data of all my digital content, movies and TV series

    What are the required parts of the go-to solution and do any parts require a paid app or service?

  • A real self hosted doorbell
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/WhiteEntropy on 2023-08-05 21:45:24. *** I have Synology NAS + home assistant in docker.

    I'm looking for a DIY solution that is:

    • Self hosted (Synology NAS)

    • POE powered

    • Have a camera and a button (optional: 2 way audio) for alerts

    • Can unlock the door remotely (via home assistant)

    Basically i want to make a DIY Doorbird.

    I was thinking about using a raspberry pi + POE H.A.T+ camera, but I'm not sure if that will work and I couldn't find a tutorial.

    Thanks :)

  • There exists an alternative to "Parsec For Teams"?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/JoaGamo on 2023-08-05 16:15:10. *** Hello, I've been researching on internet and I didn't find options, does something like this exists?

    I only need 2 features, authentication and a manager like Parsec for Teams does, but selfhosted and free

    I have a management problem with Parsec, the need to create one account per machine, at this moment I have 6 different Parsec/google accounts per VM, when we want to remote play together with friends we use my VMs as there's better internet and performance. Each VM is personal, that's why 1 account per vm, but it's getting unmanageable.

    I've seen Moonlight but it doesn't state that something like this is possible

  • What streaming service do you currently pay for and why?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/AngelGrade on 2023-08-05 21:41:36.

  • Mini-Tutorial: Migrating from Nginx Proxy Manager to Nginx
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Normanras on 2023-08-05 21:49:32. *** For a while, I've been kicking myself because I had Nginx Proxy Manager setup but didn't really understand the underlying functionality of Nginx config files and how they work. The allure of a GUI!

    As a self-hoster and homelabber, this was always on the "future todo list". Then, Christian Lempa published his video about the dangers of bringing small projects into your home lab - even as well-known ones as NPM.

    I decided to make the move from NPM to Nginx and thought I'd share my experience and the steps I took with the community. I am not a content creator or any sort of professional documenter. But in my own self-hosted journey I've benefited so much from other people's blogs, websites, and write-ups, that this is just my small contribution back.

    I committed the full write-up to my Github which may provide more details and insights. For those just here on Reddit, I have a short version below.

    Some assumptions: I currently am using NPM with Docker and Nginx installed using Ubuntu's package manager. The file paths should be similar regardless of the hosting vehicle. I tried my best not to assume too much Linux/CLI knowledge, but if you've gotten this far, you should know some basic CLI commands including how to edit, copy, and symlink files. The full write-up has the full commands and example proxy host files.

    There may be something wrong or essential that I've forgotten - I'm learning just like everyone else! Happy to incorporate changes.

    tl;dr version

    1. Stop both NPM and Nginx first.

      • systemctl stop nginx
      • docker stop npm (or whatever you've named the container).
    2. Copy the following contents (including sub-directories) from the NPM /data/nginx directory to the Nginx /etc/nginx folder:


    • proxy_hosts > sites-available
    • conf.d > conf.d
    • snippets > snippets
    • custom_ssl > custom_ssl (if applicable)


    1. Edit each file in your sites-available directory and update the paths. Most will change from /data/nginx/ to /etc/nginx.
    2. Edit your nginx.conf file and ensure the following two paths are there:


    • include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; and include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;


    1. From within the sites-available directory, symlink the proxy host files in sites-available to sites-enabled


    • ln -s * ./sites-enabled


    1. Test your changes with nginx -t. Make appropriate changes if there are error messages.

    And that's it! You can now start Nginx and check for any errors using systemctl status nginx. Good luck and happy hosting!

  • Any up to date alternative for LAN Messenger?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/domanpanda on 2023-08-05 21:08:49. *** Years ago i was using Lan messenger as a very simple, no-account, multiplatform solution for some quick messages/chats over the LAN and sending some reasonably small files. It was PERFECT! Now i need it again, but i see that it was dropped and last update was in 2012 ... and linux version causes some problems ...

    Do you know any options for fast and no-account (or fake account) messaging over the LAN (with some file sending) which is available for Win and Linux?

  • Webmesh: Now with the ability to peer independent meshes
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/jews4beer on 2023-08-05 19:44:33. *** Hey all!

    Dropping my Webmesh project () again as I've just reached a major milestone in my development towards making it a viable product. Webmesh is yet another pass at creating a distributed service/application mesh/VPN using WireGuard. More infoz is on the project website:

    With the new "mesh bridge" capabilities, you can run a bridge node between two or more meshes that serves to forward appropriate traffic between them. It also offers DNS forwarding capabilities to lookup internal names across meshes. This is accomplished by running two or more IPv6 only wireguard interfaces connected to each mesh and sharing routes between them. IPv4 support is planned, but honestly may not even be necessary. You can see a reference example/playground here:

    Excited for your feedback :)

  • FreeBSD and Jails anyone?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Jak_from_Venice on 2023-08-05 13:49:37. *** I am becoming more and more enthusiastic about FreeBSD and its jails system and I am considering to use it to power a NextCloud instance on my raspberry Pi.

    Does anybody has experience about and would like to share?

  • Self hosted task management system recommendations
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/guerd87 on 2023-08-04 23:04:02. *** I own a small business with 3 employees + myself. One of them works from home. Files are not a problem as we have a nextcloud instance installed on all work pcs and phones

    At the moment our task management system is just word documents for each person. My employees write notes, I then manually move them to either a list for myself or a list for my wfh to do. Once completed they are deleted and lost

    I would like to have a system with multiple users, where tasks get entered and then can be reassigned to a certain person and with notes being added and then ticked off and completed

    Any recommendations?

  • Start docker container/compose when URL is accessed
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Inside-Imagination14 on 2023-08-05 12:51:22. *** I would like to reduce my VPS usage a bit. I run a few services that use around 1go of ram and 5% of CPU each. However, I don't need these services up and running all the time.

    Is there a way I can make them stop after idk 1 hour of idling, and make them start automatically when I access their public URL?

    For example, I'm running guacamole (through Nginx Proxy Manager proxy) using Docker (Compose). I don't need it often. I would like to start it by accessing remote.domain.tld, and then let it stop by itself after 1 hour.

    Any comment appreciated :)

  • Optimal Jellyfin install, windows vs container, GPU vs CPU
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/AwefulUsername on 2023-08-05 02:09:50. *** I have a Dell R730 running proxmox with a Truenas scale VM and a Windows VM (among other non relevant VMs). The windows VM has an RTX 3070 passed through; I use it for gaming. Proxmox and Truenas scale do not have a GPU but run on dual E5-2673 v4 with a total of 40 cores. I have space for another small GPU, like nvidia P400 size, if needed.

    I would like to stream my media to Jellyfin clients on my iPhone, steam deck, and fire TV. Mostly while at home but if possible while away as well.

    I was originally planning on installing Jellyfin via the Truenas Scale app store, or in a proxmox container, for ease of snapshots and portability. But then I read about hardware transcoding. I'm not sure how important that is, or if it's better to throw a GPU at it or a bunch of CPU cores. Here are my options:

    -Install the Jellyfin app in my windows VM so it has access to the RTX 3070.

    -Install Jellyfin via Truenas app store or in a proxmox container with no GPU.

    -Buy a small GPU (such as the Nvidia P400) to pass through to Jellyfin inside Truenas or in a container on proxmox.

    Is hardware transcoding important, and if so is a GPU much better than a lot of CPU cores? If both answers are yes than I'm leaning towards installing it on my Windows VM unless there is good reason to prefer installation in a container. What would you suggest? Thank you.

  • Paperless-NGX + Nextcloud
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/blueqwertz on 2023-08-05 01:45:51. *** I would like to have all of my files stored in Nextcloud and indexed and OCR'ed in Paperless.

    Do you guys know any workflow to make this possible?

    Help appreciated,


  • Authelia webAuthn with yubikey
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Big_Dot3137 on 2023-08-04 17:35:41. *** So I've been having issues all day getting my yubikey to register to use webAuthn 2FA Authelia. Have to admit that I'm a bit of a novice to all this to it's very possible that I might have overlooked something obvious.

    build with docker-compose and nginx proxy manager, the setup seems to work since when i go to i get redirected to where i manage to login and then get asked to setup my 2FA, i opt for webAutn with my key and i get the email. I use my keys pin and asked to touch the key. As soon as i touch the key, i get the message "Failed to register your device. The identity verification process might have timed out."

    Regardless if i wait 30 sec or touch it within 1 sec i get the same message.

    Tried turning on and off proxy at cloudflare, tried 4 different browsers. Also tried going to and I'm asked for 2FA with same results.

    I even tried changing from two\_factor to instead use one\_factor (just while trouble searching) but now it still asks me for setting up key?

    Any help is much appreciated!

  • (HARDWARE) HP Proliant DL380 G6 Server Mod
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/playthreetwo on 2023-08-04 23:26:22. *** Hey, so ive been playing around with an idea of taking my old DL380 G6 and making it into a great little home server by outfitting it with new hardware (I have had the server for a few years so not building a new server). I have the backplane board (part number 507690-001) and I am wondering if anyone can think of a way I can supply the correct voltages to the board as, it uses non standard enterprise hardware/power delivery aka direct from the motherboard to the backplane.

    I have been thinking of this for a while, but after seeing a video by some dude on youtube, I belive it can be done somehow. Although the guy doesn't explan how he did it.

    My curent plan is to use a Mini-SAS to 4x SATA breakout cable to a PCIE 8 port SATA card that will hopefuly take the signal and allow me to software raid the drives. Failing that, I am going to get my friend to CNC cutout a new backplate with the same dimensions (benefit is more airflow) and glue hard disk / sata cables in and do it the awkward long way with way more cables.

    Some notes are:

    -The backplane uses a weird 10 pin cable (part number 463184-001)

    -I know if i got a different server with a raid card it could work but I have this one already

    -The new hardware would be a glorified ryzen 3rd gen pc for VM and game hosting as well as backup storage if this is possible.

    Any updates will follow below...

  • Released Grist v1.1.3 - AI Python formula assistant, UI for configuring webhooks, widget and column descriptions, and UI for enabling telemetry
    This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/anaisconce on 2023-08-04 18:01:48. *** Highlights from recent releases:

    • AI formula assistant available (if you set OPENAI_API_KEYand GRIST_FORMULA_ASSISTANT).
    • Larger, floating formula editor available.
    • Webhooks UI and official endpoints, with documentation.
    • Improvements to grist-static so it requires less careful configuration, and supports custom widgets.
    • Widget and column descriptions. Thank you to the team at ANCT for contributing this improvement!
    • ANCT also contributed a bug fix to support Scaleway's flavor of S3-compatible storage. 🙏
    • UI for enabling and disabling limited telemetry. Default is disabled. We encourage you to enable telemetry, to raise the profile of Grist self-hosters, and to guide development.

    Grist is a FOSS alternative to Airtable + Google Sheets.

    • Github link:
    • Grist overview:
    • Interactive demo (no login required):
  • YOC: Your Own Cloud
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/2nistechworld on 2023-08-04 23:06:04. *** Hello r/selfhosted

    For the past week I have been working on YOC, an automatic script to install our favorites services using docker and docker compose.

    The services you can install are:

    • Traefik
    • Vaultwarden
    • Seafile
    • Nextcloud
    • wg-easy
    • AdGuard Home
    • Immich

    The script will ask you several questions with an user friendly UI, if wanted, Treafik will be configured with either self signed certificate or generate SSL certificate using your own domain name using your Cloudflare API KEY.

    AdGuard Home, if installed, will also be configured to resolve internally your services using your domain name, or the default domain name if you don' t have one.

    WireGuard also will be pre-configured to use AdGuard Home as default DNS Server.

    I highly recommend you to read the README to see what YOC can do.

  • Plexamp inspired Music Player for Jellyfin
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/fromage9747 on 2023-08-04 19:59:56. *** Hey all. First time posting in selfhosted. I just wanted to share the music client I have built for Jellyfin.

    As an ex-Plexpass user, I really missed Plexamp, but I couldn't drag myself back to using Plex with annoyances I dealt with.

    There are a number of Music clients for Jellyfin, but I was used to and missed Plexamp. Instead of suffering in silence, I built my own.

    I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. It is in active development and the end game is to make it flush and polished with features as Plexamp.



  • How to successfully send email from Digital Ocean that doesn't land in spam or get rejected?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/uploto on 2023-08-04 16:46:51. *** I have a project on DO, and I would like to know what's the best email client and solutions so that outgoing mail does not end in spam and there's deliverability to Gmail accounts.

    I will respond to customer inquiries, but I also need to contact targeted businesses approximately 15 times per day for the first 14 days. Response rates are typically high due to what's being offered.

    I was previously on Hetzner, however, my account was accessed and someone attempted to purchase servers from within my account. So I made the switch to Digital Ocean. A lot of potential customers were responding to my emails apologizing for the delay in their response as they couldn't see my email since it was delivered to their spam folder. There's other potential customers who have given me their email address and asked me to contact them and also had trouble viewing since it was delivered to spam.

  • Best self hosted password managers right now?
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/gh0st_xx on 2023-08-04 13:58:07. *** Hey guys, looking for some second opinion here. I am looking for something with enterprise control.

    So far i looked at bitwarden and passbolt, but perhaps there is something else i missed?

    This is how i found this subreddit as well, as someone asked this 2 years ago :D

    EDIT: bonus points for sso/ad integration

  • Rate My Rack
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    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/AAJarvis92 on 2023-08-04 15:59:48.

  • This Week in Self-Hosted (4 August 2023)
    This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/selfh-sted on 2023-08-04 13:39:37. *** Happy Friday, r/selfhosted! Below is a link to This Week in Self-Hosted, a weekly newsletter recap of the latest activity in self-hosted software.

    This week's features include:

    • The latest in self-hosted and open-source industry activity
    • Noteworthy software updates and launches
    • Featured content generated by the self-hosted community
    • A spotlight on ffmprovisr, a community-generated collection of helpful FFmpeg commands

    As usual, feel free to reach out with questions or comments about the publication. Thanks!


    This Week in Self-Hosted (4 August 2023)

  • vmtouch - Lifesaver when selfhosting with slow storage
    This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

    The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/koveho on 2023-08-04 12:55:36. *** originally posted at

    I am running a ODroid HC4 as a media server with Jellyfin and Navidrome.

    After expanding my music collection to about 70k tracks, Navidrome’s search performance was terrible. Searching for tracks took more than 10 seconds.

    I know that Navidrome’s search just uses SQLite LIKE statements without an index, so the performance is not optimal, but it could definitely be better. However, the main reason for the bad performance was the slow microSD storage.

    My ODroid may have slow storage, but it has plenty of RAM (4GB). So it should be possible to keep a 160MB database permanently cached. Turns out, there is an application that can permanently keep certain files in RAM: vmtouch.

    You can install it with apt and then run the command vmtouch -vtl database.sqlite. This will keep the file locked in RAM as long as the program is running.

    VMTouch also comes with a service to permanently keep certain files cached. To set it up, you have to edit the config file under /etc/default/vmtouch and restart the service.


    Change to yes to enable running vmtouch as a daemon ===================================================


    User and group to run as ========================


    Whitespace separated list of files and directories for vmtouch to operate on ============================================================================


    Options to pass to vmtouch itself. See vmtouch(8). ==================================================



    Now the music database is always kept in RAM, which improved the search speed to 300-600ms.


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