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  • Sublime Text's best autocomplete package?

    I have installed various packages but none of them seem to work as expected at all, I mean they don't seem to work at all.

    Does anyone know of a package that actually works?

  • Creating a MacOS app with Lua (and nothing else) GitHub - mogenson/lua-macos-app: A sample GUI Lua REPL, showing how to bundle LuaJIT into a self-contained MacOS app

    A sample GUI Lua REPL, showing how to bundle LuaJIT into a self-contained MacOS app - GitHub - mogenson/lua-macos-app: A sample GUI Lua REPL, showing how to bundle LuaJIT into a self-contained MacO...

    GitHub - mogenson/lua-macos-app: A sample GUI Lua REPL, showing how to bundle LuaJIT into a self-contained MacOS app
  • Obfuscating Lua (2019) Obfuscating Lua

    Obfuscating Lua. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

    Obfuscating Lua
  • Increase size of font and window size in this Lua script

    This script renders a window with stats to the player as they play. Can someone help me increase the size of the window slightly and the font size? I have attempted a few parameters with no luck

    ``` local messages = {} local glitter = {} local glitterCount = 0

    function addMessage(text, mood) for i = math.min(#messages + 1, 4), 2, -1 do messages[i] = messages[i - 1] messages[i].targetPos = i end messages[1] = { text = text, age = 0, targetPos = 1, currentPos = 1, mood = mood } if mood == 1 then for i = 1, 60 do local dir = vec2(math.random() - 0.5, math.random() - 0.5) glitterCount = glitterCount + 1 glitter[glitterCount] = { color = * 360, 1, 1):rgb(), 1), pos = vec2(80, 140) + dir * vec2(40, 20), velocity = dir:normalize():scale(0.2 + math.random()), life = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.random() } end end end

    local function updateMessages(dt) comboColor = comboColor + dt * 10 * comboMeter if comboColor > 360 then comboColor = comboColor - 360 end for i = 1, #messages do local m = messages[i] m.age = m.age + dt m.currentPos = math.applyLag(m.currentPos, m.targetPos, 0.8, dt) end for i = glitterCount, 1, -1 do local g = glitter[i] g.pos:add(g.velocity) g.velocity.y = g.velocity.y + 0.02 = - dt g.color.mult = math.saturate( * 4) if < 0 then if i < glitterCount then glitter[i] = glitter[glitterCount] end glitterCount = glitterCount - 1 end end if comboMeter > 10 and math.random() > 0.98 then for i = 1, math.floor(comboMeter) do local dir = vec2(math.random() - 0.5, math.random() - 0.5) glitterCount = glitterCount + 1 glitter[glitterCount] = { color = * 360, 1, 1):rgb(), 1), pos = vec2(195, 75) + dir * vec2(40, 20), velocity = dir:normalize():scale(0.2 + math.random()), life = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.random() } end end end

    local speedWarning = 0 function script.drawUI() local uiState = ac.getUiState() updateMessages(uiState.dt)

    local speedRelative = math.saturate(math.floor(ac.getCarState(1).speedKmh) / requiredSpeed) speedWarning = math.applyLag(speedWarning, speedRelative < 1 and 1 or 0, 0.5, uiState.dt)

    local colorDark = rgbm(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1) local colorGrey = rgbm(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1) local colorAccent = * 120, 1, 1):rgb(), 1) local colorCombo =, math.saturate(comboMeter / 10), 1):rgb(), math.saturate(comboMeter / 4))

    local function speedMeter(ref) ui.drawRectFilled(ref + vec2(0, -4), ref + vec2(180, 5), colorDark, 1) ui.drawLine(ref + vec2(0, -4), ref + vec2(0, 4), colorGrey, 1) ui.drawLine(ref + vec2(requiredSpeed, -4), ref + vec2(requiredSpeed, 4), colorGrey, 1)

    local speed = math.min(ac.getCarState(1).speedKmh, 180) if speed > 1 then ui.drawLine(ref + vec2(0, 0), ref + vec2(speed, 0), colorAccent, 4) end end

    ui.beginTransparentWindow('overtakeScore', vec2(uiState.windowSize.x * 0.5 - 600, 100), vec2(400, 400)) ui.beginOutline()

    ui.pushStyleVar(ui.StyleVar.Alpha, 1 - speedWarning) ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Title) ui.text('Overtake Run') ui.popFont() ui.popStyleVar() ui.TextScaled(5) ui.TextSize(30)

    ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Huge) ui.text(totalScore .. ' pts') ui.sameLine(0, 40) ui.beginRotation() ui.textColored(math.ceil(comboMeter * 10) / 10 .. 'x', colorCombo) if comboMeter > 20 then ui.endRotation(math.sin(comboMeter / 180 * 3141.5) * 3 * math.lerpInvSat(comboMeter, 20, 30) + 90) end ui.popFont() ui.endOutline(rgbm(0, 0, 0, 0.3))

    ui.offsetCursorY(20) ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Title) local startPos = ui.getCursor() for i = 1, #messages do local m = messages[i] local f = math.saturate(4 - m.currentPos) * math.saturate(8 - m.age) ui.setCursor(startPos + vec2(20 + math.saturate(1 - m.age * 10) ^ 2 * 100, (m.currentPos - 1) * 30)) ui.textColored(m.text, m.mood == 1 and rgbm(0, 1, 0, f) or m.mood == -1 and rgbm(1, 0, 0, f) or rgbm(1, 1, 1, f)) end for i = 1, glitterCount do local g = glitter[i] if g ~= nil then ui.drawLine(g.pos, g.pos + g.velocity * 4, g.color, 2) end end ui.popFont() ui.setCursor(startPos + vec2(0, 4 * 30))

    ui.pushStyleVar(ui.StyleVar.Alpha, speedWarning) ui.setCursorY(0) ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Main) ui.textColored('Keep speed above '..requiredSpeed..' km/h:', colorAccent) speedMeter(ui.getCursor() + vec2(-9, 4)) ui.popFont() ui.popStyleVar()

    ui.endTransparentWindow() end ```

  • Lua "classes" or closures as classes?

    Hey all,

    I'm learning Lua and come from a Java background, and have been diving deep into Lua "classes".

    Realizing that a Lua "class" is just some clever syntactic sugar, and lacks encapsulation, I've found that closures can act like a Java class and protect it's state. An added bonus is my muscle memory won't struggle with : vs . for function calls, a pitfall I've already wasted time debugging.

    I'm new to all this though, is there anything I'm missing? Is a Lua "class" with self and : a better choice than using a closure like a class?

  • Small template library I wrote using Lua GitHub - itchychips/smalltemplate

    Contribute to itchychips/smalltemplate development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - itchychips/smalltemplate

    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to share a small template library and supporting program I wrote using Lua (specifically wrote against LuaJIT and Lua5.1).

    I haven't found any existing template engine that really fit my needs. The main one I saw was Jinja2, but it required pulling in Python, which on a lot of environments was a bit more of an ask than I really wanted to deal with (especially in enterprise environments). Many others I've tried over the years seem not to throw errors when a variable is referenced, but not defined, or at least the ones I could get testing with in about 15 minutes.

    Can't promise it's perfect, but it replaced my need to create a templated text document for my RPG character that I had written in M4, and I have had a lot of instances where I wanted an easy-to-use templating engine for configurations.

  • Nelua: metaprogrammable and extensible system programming language with a Lua flavor Nelua

    Minimal, simple, efficient, statically typed, compiled, meta programmable, safe and extensible systems programming language with a Lua flavor.

  • Is there a Lua Repository?

    A place where I can pick up subroutines for my Lua programs?

    Lua Users! Welcome to Lemmy!

  • Lazy Lua - Extended standard library for Lua >=5.1 Name / Lazy · GitLab

    Extended standard library for Lua

    Name / Lazy · GitLab

    Lazy is a library that extends the standard Lua library. It exposes function modules such as math, string, table, etc.

    It's aimed to fill the gaps of Lua's standard libraries by providing functions such as math.round to round numbers, string.trim to remove leading and trailing white spaces from a string and many many many more.

    One important feature of Lazy is that the require path of modules is automatically resolved, which allows you to require the lazy library from virtually anywhere. For example the lazy folder may be located in the root of your project or any sub-directory. More so, upon setting your LUA_PATH correctly, lazy can be required anywhere from your PC without having to import it into your project. Please refer to the GitLab page for more information .


    Example usage: ```lua local lazy = require "lazy"

    lazy.math.round(1234.5678, 2) --> 1234.57 lazy.os.capture("pwd") --> /home/name/projects/lua/lazy lazy.string.split("Lua is amazing!", " ") --> { "Lua", "is", "amazing!" } lazy.table.append({ "A" }, { "B" }, { "C" }, { "D" }) --> { "A", "B", "C", "D" } ```


    Contributions and requests are welcome :P

  • Community Rules and Guidelines

    All the rules from this Lemmy instance apply. Additionally, please try to follow these community-specific rules:


    1. Posts must relate to Lua

    All posts must be related to the Lua programming language. This also includes related and derivative projects, such as Luau or MoonScript.

    2. Use descriptive titles

    Your title should in short describe the contents. That applies to all kinds of posts, no matter whether you're showcasing a project, discussing a feature or asking for help.

    Examples of bad titles:

    • please help! ^ Doesn't provide any information about the post
    • How to rotate SENT? ^ Should also information about API and ideally expand SENT which is a rather niche acronym
    • request.lua ^ Could provide a short description of the library

    Examples of good titles:

    • [Help] Lua errors when using string.format with the %p flag
    • How to rotate a Scripted Entity in Garry's Mod when spawned?
    • request.lua - Lua >=5.1 library to simplify HTTP requests

    Please note that there are no strict rules related to tagging posts (eg. including [Help] or [Roblox] in the title), but they are very welcome nonetheless.

    3. Provide reproduction code

    When asking for help, you should provide a reproduction code whenever applicable. This doesn't mean that you should copy and paste your whole project or script into the post, in fact the opposite. Try to isolate the issue you're facing on your own and only include the code needed to reproduce it.

    A screenshot or image of the code is never valid. Additionally the code should be provided using the following Markdown syntax:

    markdown ```lua <your code goes here> ```

    4. Information about environment

    When asking for help, and ideally releasing a project, you should include as much information as possible about the target environment. Most important thing is the Lua API in use, that means the video game, game engine, framework, library, etc. Other information such as Lua version, environment variables, operating system, etc. may be useful as well.


    Posts not following the rules may be deleted without prior notice. Repeated offenders may be issued a warning and banned.

    If you do not agree with the rules or statements made here, please discuss your issue in the comment section, I'm sure something can be done about it.


    If you want to help and moderate this community, please message leave a comment under this post or contact me in any other way.

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