📖 The book "Timor-Leste’s Long Road to Independence", edited by Zélia Pereira and Rui Graça Feijó, includes a chapter authored by Pedro Aires Oliveira where the historian discusses the reasons that al
A new book on the history of #prostitution in France is out. Elisa Camiscioli's "Selling French Sex.
📖 The book "Une histoire globale des révolutions", directed by Ludivine Bantigny, Quentin Deluermoz, Boris Gobille, Laurent Jeanpierre, and Eugénia Palieraki, includes a chapter by [@victorpereira](ht
“The idea of distributing risk has been around since the 14th century when insurers of trading ships wanted someone to share the uncertainties of long sea voyages.
17th-century New England farmers moved a mind-staggering amount of stone to build walls – an estimated 240,000 miles of barricades, most stacked thigh-high and similarly wide.
📖 2023's second issue of #HoST — Journal of History of Science is now online. The theme is "Social History of Science and Historiography: Where are We in Brazil?".
Thinking aloud is a powerful pedagogical tool. In #AHAPerspectives, read how Richard Bond employs this method to teach students to use primary sources
The UN’s Genocide Convention, in its 75 years, has not stopped genocide.
On January 15th, I will be taking part alongside several other scholars in a symposium organized by Wilfrid Laurier University on legacies of racism and colonialism in Canadian universities. My talk w
Henry #Kissinger is dead at the age of 100.