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Furry Mystics

  • Best Traditional Witchcraft Books for Beginners - HearthWitch

    Great list of books that serve as introductions to Traditional Witchcraft.

  • The Sacred Path To Spiritual Illumination - Agrippa's Diary

    A great video from a channel that's done some great work exploring the esoteric and occult works and ideas of the past.

  • Welcome to Furry Mystics!

    Welcome to all who follow the Crooked Path.

    Welcome to those who dare to look behind the veils and peer over the hedge.

    Welcome to those who follow the old ways and help keep them alive.

    Welcome to those who seek the higher natures of reality and being.

    Welcome to those who's clairs are found and their mind's open.

    Welcome to those who consult the cards, bones, runes, sticks and more for guidance.

    Welcome to those who come seeking or sharing knowledge, new or old.

    Welcome to all!

    Welcome to Furry Mystics!

    This is a group designed to allow those furries who follow the multiple different paths of mysticism, esotericism, paganism, and the occult to learn, share, and grow. Whether you are a follower of Pagan ways, Animistics or Shamanistic practices, the different Crooked Paths of Witchcraft, Wiccan practices, traditionally Esoteric and Mystical schools such as Hermeticism or Thelema, and/or other such practices, you are welcome here.

    With this, it is my hope that others from different paths of life and experience may come together and share their experiences, while learning from those of others.


    There are some ground rules in place for the community.

    • Don’t be a troll or abusive - This is a place of learning and growing, as such this behavior is not welcome here and will be dealt with accordingly.

    • No spamming - While I know some are eager to share loads of content, please keep the sensibilities of others in mind, as we seek a diverse range of content in this community.

    • No proselytizing - While a desire to share what you have learned is welcomed here, thinking or acting on the idea that your beliefs are superior to others is not. Such behavior is not welcomed here and is unbecoming of what this community is designed for. (This goes doubly so for those outside of who the community is intended for, thinking they have found a willing audience of converts to preach to. Our ears are closed, you are not welcome here.)

    • No advertising (unless approved by the mods) - It is understandable that many following these paths work in making their own tools and goods, which are often sold to others. That is perfectly fine overall, if the purpose of the post is to share what you have created, which also includes a link to other goods you may offer. However, posting for the explicit purpose of advertising, either your goods or another's, is not allowed, unless it is pre-approved by a mod beforehand.

    • Do not break any of the other rules associated with the Pawb.Social instance - This should go without saying, please do not violate any of the other rules in place for Pawb.Social

    With that, I hope others are able to learn, share, and grow their knowledge here with others. So mote it be!

1 Active user