ukraine ! Everything about the country of Ukraine.
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Everything about the country of Ukraine.
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- No aggressor apologists.
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- Russian propaganda fakes news from criminal chronicles and obituaries to discredit Ukrainian Armed Forces
Propagandists have altered news stories from Ukrainian regional media, adding false mentions of the military. — Ukrinform.
- Ukraine’s Marauding Sea Drones Bewilder Russia
Things continue to worsen for Russia’s battered military in the Black Sea as Ukrainian innovation inflicts greater pain.
- Sweden announces its largest aid package to Ukraine worth US$1.25 billion
Swedish Defence Minister Pål Jonson announced a new aid package for Ukraine worth SEK 13.5 billion (roughly US$1.25 billion) on Thursday, 30 January.
The movie “Summertime in Ukraine” about American DIU legionnaires is released in Ukrainian cinema The movie “Summertime in Ukraine” about American DIU legionnaires is released in Ukrainian cinemasThe film “Summertime in Ukraine,” dedicated to the volunteers of the International Legion of the DIU, has been released in Ukrainian cinemas.
- Russian oil pipeline bombed by Ukrainian drone bombers
A Ukrainian unmanned aircraft dropped a 250-kilogram bomb on a Russian strategic facility in the Bryansk region
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry decries Romanian presidential candidate's remarks about Ukraine as "akin to Russian propaganda" Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry decries Romanian presidential candidate’s remarks about Ukraine as “akin to Russian propaganda”Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has commented on remarks made by Călin Georgescu, a far-right pro-Russian Romanian politician, and stressed that they are a manifestation of extreme disrespect for Ukraine.
- Bundestag calls for additional €3 billion for military aid to Ukraine
Germany's budget committee has called Finance Minister Joerg Kukies to approve an additional €3 billion in military aid for Ukraine
- Lithuania transfers short-range portable air defence systems to Ukraine
Lithuania has transferred short-range portable air defence systems and missiles to Ukraine.
Russia's February oil exports from its western ports drop by 8% due to sanctions Russia’s February oil exports from its western ports drop by 8% due to sanctionsRussia’s crude oil exports from its western ports are expected to decline by 8% in February compared to January’s plan, as Moscow ramps up oil refining. Reuters’ calculations indicate that exports dropped by 8% following recent US sanctions.
Ukrainian border guards sink Russian boat in country's south – video Ukrainian border guards sink Russian boat in country’s south – videoUkrainian border guards used an FPV drone to destroy a Russian motorboat on the southern front line.
- The Ministry of Defense has started its own production of FPV drones
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has launched licensed production of modern FPV drones at one of its state-owned enterprises
- Croatia prepares new military-technical aid package for Ukraine
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković has announced the preparation of a new military-technical aid package.