Did you know that police can no longer lie to children to gain confessions? (In some states?)
Wife of California inmate wins $5.6 million in settlement for strip search
Fifth Circuit Rejects Dog-Killing Cop’s Pleas For Qualified Immunity
Bodycam shows police dragging NFL star Tyreek Hill from car before season opener
Riverside Sheriff walks into a house without a warrant, steps in, and says "Now that I'm inside your house, I own your house right now."
They endorsed a criminal over a chief law enforcement officer
From False Arrest to Shooting Sonya Massey: A Cop Kept Getting Jobs Despite His Lies
Hoss Lightning-Saddleback was 'at risk' before shooting: ASIRT
The city here has had the bright idea of getting cops to go door-to-door to ask if you need anything.
Former Aurora cop charged with raping daughter remains free as mom is sent to jail
Police detective ‘killed pregnant Sandra Birchmore who he groomed from age 15 & staged death scene to look like suicide’
Police Chief who fled a shooting and crashed into another car deliberately didn't activate his body camera
Chicago Police knock near 80yo woman to ground w/their batons; don’t let her pick up her cane & refuse to help her up.
US appeals court rules geofence warrants are unconstitutional
The shooting death 16-year-old Easter Leafa by police is among a spate that’s upset Anchorage, Alaska residents
Community solves homelessness... By paying cops over 3 million dollars - crosspost
LMPD officer Javar Downs arrested, accused of stealing money while making arrest
Louisiana deputy Brent Ridder fired, accused of child pornography possession
Bodycam: Arkansas Man Tasered By Cop Sues For Excessive Force