Lemmy at a glance
Where to start?
Buy European in every official European language
Benefit (owned by LVMH) may not be from the US but they're complying in advance.
Privacy Guides - Private European Alternatives
For us the new Users: Lemmy Apps Directory (MEGATHREAD)
Common imports from the US. Be aware and check the origin!
Simple prompt for vetting of software
European docs alternative for notion etc.
2 Months old Post that i saw now: Proton Mail says it’s “politically neutral” while praising Republican Party
Men's pants: Any good European online source (shipping to DE)?
New version of the guide for change (I'm not the author)
Searching for a keyboard made in EU ... impossible?
Bookwyrm.social, BookBrainz, OpenLibrary, etc.
47% of Danes are avoiding US products now
Industry calls on EU Commission to launch "Buy European" initiative
Don´t buy 3M from the USA, Gerband/Tesa is from Germany
Disrupting tech giants
Macron to EU colleagues: Stop buying American, buy European