Because rocks look the same all over the solar system, space is fake!
External picture of the ISS? Space is fake!
Sea levels have risen ~8 inches in 100 years and this single photo disproves it!
You decide! Is Earth a ball or a plane?
Flat earth is NOT flat!
If the Earth was round, we'd all fall off!
Freemasons faked space in a studio!
Did Nazi Germany really happen?
Because not all cameras are the same, space is fake!
Hills prove space is fake?! Also, something to do with the Wizard of Oz and 2001: A (Fake) Space Odyssey
Color correction not identical?! Space is FAKE
Space is fake! "Proof"
Direct from an expert: the Earth is flat!
I guess NASA forgot to destroy these photos...
NASA NEVER pans cameras in space! (because it's fake)
Perspective proves that Earth is flat!
Nothing on TV is real, including space!
Chemistry proves that space is fake
"Proof" of flat earth
Blankets prove SPACE IS FAKE