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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
11 mo. ago

  • So it says that instead of doubling capacity, which we did, we should have tripled capacity, when instead we developed more solar, because it was cheaper, and therefore more to efficienct. Personally, I'm glad to see we doubled wind capacity, and spent money more efficiently on solar. I don't understand why everything has to be framed as a negative. I think I used too many commas in that first sentence but I'm sticking with it. Honestly, you guys are lucky I'm proofreading at all.

  • I tend to think that once the media calls each state on election night, it becomes very difficult to move forward with contested results UNLESS it comes down to a single state again. If it's a toss up, they'll flex but if it takes flipping multiple states I think the Supreme Clowns will probably take the L.