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2 yr. ago

  • Unfortunately my Kindle is still working fine and I don't want to buy a replacement for something that's not broken, but eventually I'm gonna have a look at the e-ink readers from PocketBook, founded in Ukraine, now located in Switzerland.

  • I didn't show any errors when I was using the older version of DeDRM and/or had not configured the serial number, it just silently did nothing apparently and I only got an error when attempting to convert to epub.

  • Good luck! Remember that after fixing the plugins and serial number you gotta repeat from step 11 because as far as I understand it the DRM is removed during the copying from the device, not during the conversion to EPUB, but I might be wrong. Let us know how it worked out!

  • Reminds me of the time when Switzerland (or was it Austria?) had a huge problem with their air force because the cowbells of all the cow herds running around in the alps were fucking with their radar systems.

  • Oh we definitely have that here too, often it's repurposed old phone booths filled with books where you take one or leave one. Probably goes under a different name here though, and it's more of a novelty, not something where you go when you're looking for a specific book obviously. ;)

  • Him recognizing shit doesn't make it so though.

  • Buy European

    Check your public libraries for ebooks as alternative to Amazon Kindle

  • Yeah I'm using it for mail only but I remember when I first got the account it told me to install some weird extra app to sync tasks and calendars. Never bothered to and kept using Google unfortunately, maybe it's time to look into it.

  • Well yeah it's not exactly in the spirit of the app but as long as it doesn't lead to throwing away MORE food I don't think it does any harm.

  • Oh that's cool! I've ignored that section before because when they introduced it it only had offers for cosmetics and stuff which is nothing I'm interested in, but I just checked again and they have some good offers for long shelf life food now as well, I'll keep watching!

  • Buy European

    Liberate your Kindle books before leaving Amazon (Tutorial)

  • According to their website it comes with /e/OS, a degoogled Android.

  • Leopards Ate My Face

    Trump voter shocked after immigrant wife detained: 'I didn’t know how it was going down'

  • Been using for a couple of years and I'm quite happy with it. Don't know what "needs client app" is supposed to mean though. If you don't want to use a mail client you can use the web interface. I've used maildroid on Android with it and when it was discontinued switched to Thunderbird, both work fine with

    There's one tiny minor annoyance, they somehow automatically create a new "archive" folder for every year that the web interface uses when you hit the archive button but in your mail client you gotta change the preferences manually once a year. Don't know if you can change but it's such a minor inconvenience I never bothered to check.

  • Buy European

    Macron to EU colleagues: Stop buying American, buy European

  • I know, I posted it. :) I wrote the comment as reply to

    Maybe there's a third program that works in yet other countries?

    as 2g2g operates in a bunch of countries.

  • There is a filter in the settings for vegan/vegetarian. In my experience the shops/restaurants always asked me if I eat meat/fish when filling the bag, but I also live in a very hipster area where it feels like majority of people is vegan now, might be different elsewhere. :)

  • Don't know if this is new but I just checked and you can set your diet preferences in the account settings.

    I hardly believe restaurants prepare extra food in advance just to sell it a huge discount with very little or no profit. Actually whenever I went to a restaurant that participated it wasn't leftover stuff but they cooked the meal fresh just for me. I guess they're using the app as a way to advertise and draw more people in with a big discount and hope they come back again to eat there at the full price.

  • I'm using 2g2g in Germany and there are lots of participating shops here. According to their website, they're operating in all of Europe as well as Canada, Australia and the US.

  • Ok but even if that was the case and they produce too much because they can sell the rest at a discount, it's not really "too much" if everything gets sold and eaten. Why would they produce less than there's demand for? I don't really see a problem as long as the food doesn't end up in a trash can.

  • But if someone buys and eats the food then it's not wasted, is it?

  • I disagree, at least don't see that for any of the stores participating in my area. They don't like overproducing either, everything they throw away is a loss for them. But it's also difficult to predict how much you'll be able to sell on any given day. Bakeries for example usually bake only once a day in the early morning and they have to make an educated guess about how much of each item will be sold that day, but it's never gonna be a perfect guess. Sometimes they're out early, a few customers will be disappointed and the shop will make a tiny bit less profit that day, and some other times they produce a bit too much that they won't be able to sell the next day so they'd have to throw it out. I just don't see how it's greenwashing trying to avoid that by finding takers for the extra stuff using this app. If someone eats the food then it's not wasted food.

  • Yeah, I've tried a bunch of places at first but now I have 4-5 favorite ones that always have good stuff. Some restaurants seem to use the app more as advertisement to get more people visiting, but I think that's fair too when they offer a meal for half the price in return. Also I never got any bad deals, it was always a good bargain even if I didn't end up liking what I got. It's kind of a plus for the app actually in my opinion because that I tried many new places that I'd normally not care about just because they were in the app, and I found some really nice ones this way.

  • Ah I see, I thought it was about sharing stuff with your partner. No idea then. :/

    EDIT: Oh I just realized the person I replied to wasn't you, nevermind then. :)

  • Buy European

    "Too Good To Go", Danish company that helps prevent food waste and save money on food at the same time


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