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Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • It seems that we focus our interest in two different parts of the problem.

    Finding the most optimal way to classify which images are best compressed in bulk is an interesting problem in itself. In this particular problem the person asking it had already picked out similar images by hand and they can be identified by their timestamp for optimizing a comparison of similarity. What I wanted to find out was how well the similar images can be compressed with various methods and codecs with minimal loss of quality. My goal was not to use it as a method to classify the images. It was simply to examine how well the compression stage would work with various methods.

  • Why do you care about privacy?
  • It's a pillar of democracy to protect the autonomy of the people.

  • Why do you care about privacy?
  • It is a human right..

  • Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • Wait.. this is exactly the problem a video codec solves. Scoot and give me some sample data!

  • Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • I was not talking about classification. What I was talking about was a simple probe at how well a collage of similar images compares in compressed size to the images individually. The hypothesis is that a compression codec would compress images with similar colordistribution in a spritesheet better than if it encode each image individually. I don't know, the savings might be neglible, but I'd assume that there was something to gain at least for some compression codecs. I doubt doing deduplication post compression has much to gain.

    I think you're overthinking the classification task. These images are very similar and I think comparing the color distribution would be adequate. It would of course be interesting to compare the different methods :)

  • Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • The first thing I would do writing such a paper would be to test current compression algorithms by create a collage of the similar images and see how that compares to the size of the indiviual images.

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    • A: Use jQuery!
  • Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
  • Thank you Microsoft! Eternal gratitude for the kind things you do for us in the Free Software community...

    I'm not explicitly mentioned in the post, but effectively the maintainer duties for the Mono project now fall on me.

    -- Esme Povirk

    I am going to have to request that issues and code contributions be refiled at Winehq for those who still care about them. I have enough on my plate just getting things up and running in their new home, along with my other duties at CodeWeavers, and I don't have the bandwidth to sort through that whole backlog.

    -- Esme Povirk

    libgdiplus does, as it's a Mono (class library) dependency. So do any submodules. But I don't think we can handle separate projects like MonoDevelop, unless they're important for some reason.

    -- Esme Povirk

    I can't spend any time on it, I'm stretched thin as it is. Winehq could probably provide a space for it, but I can't help with development.

    -- Esme Povirk

  • WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
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  • I think that B is a problem for everyones eyes :)

  • Use Zotero
  • I have this in code I'm writing right now...

    #ifdef DEBUG
        #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
        #define DEBUG_PRINT(...)

    It is the most straighforward way to get the state of things while hammering on the keyboard trying to mash up something that looks like a program.

  • Use Zotero
  • Tests? What tests?

  • Use Zotero
  • That's a lot of trouble, you can just ask it if it's telling the truth.

  • Obscure password requirements
  • The good old NTLM rule of max 8 characters and all converted to uppercase. It was a simple rule and if you forgot your password you could easily bruteforce it with normal consumer hardware.

  • Concept: beer that is free as in freedom, not as in gratis
  • I take it you haven't heard about Free Beer.

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  • One of the most controversial changes of Chrome’s MV3 approach is the removal of blocking WebRequest, which provides a level of power and flexibility that is critical to enabling advanced privacy and content blocking features. Unfortunately, that power has also been used to harm users in a variety of ways. Chrome’s solution in MV3 was to define a more narrowly scoped API (declarativeNetRequest) as a replacement. However, this will limit the capabilities of certain types of privacy extensions without adequate replacement.

    Mozilla will maintain support for blocking WebRequest in MV3. To maximize compatibility with other browsers, we will also ship support for declarativeNetRequest. We will continue to work with content blockers and other key consumers of this API to identify current and future alternatives where appropriate. Content blocking is one of the most important use cases for extensions, and we are committed to ensuring that Firefox users have access to the best privacy tools available.

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  • “C has known memory footguns. C++, due to its complexity, has footnukes.” - Hacker News comment
  • The quote is a derivative of something Bjarne Stroustrup said himself¹.

    C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off


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