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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • A Man on the Inside is much more of a character and story based comedy then Shure’s previous work. It’s a lot less joke dense then The Good Place which was in turn less dense Parks and Rec. I mean I’d expect a comedy about grief, loss, and regaining a purpose to go at a slower pace and I found it lovely and clever, but it definitely not a “Joke Factory”. Your Mileage and all that but I got through the whole series in a day because each episode was sweet and cute, not because I couldn’t stop laughing.

  • I really enjoyed this season every step felt earned and the twist felt obvious in hindsight. I didn’t expect it at all but that was because of didn’t expect a production to do that not because it was an ass pull or anything.

    I’m just really interested in where the story goes from here. I just don’t think the c-suite guys are going to let them do a story about Eddie Redmayne hunting billionaires after the real world news.

  • I think I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter. Of the ones I’ve seen I totally agree with you:

    Creature Commandos - An excellent show Very James Gunn but in my world that’s a complement. 1x03 really kicks it up a notch. GI robot is one of my new favourite characters “Oh Nazis” made me smile.

    Lioness S2 - Total tripe, some of the worst writing (honestly if you told me Donald Trump had done punch up on it I’d believe you) but to be honest I’d watch Zoey and Nicole read the fucking phone book, so I’ll probably check back in if there’s a season 3.

    The Diplomat - yeah good that’s about where I’d put it too. Not great but very good.

    Arkane - I don’t know? it’s good but god damn it’s bleak. It’s a hard slog to watch so far. But maybe there’s hope in the end?

  • I’m very disappointed by the lack of ‘The Middleman’ here. A very fun show with a very spunky Natalie Morales. Based on the graphic novels by Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Les McClaine, but the best part was that Javier Grillo-Marxuach was the show runner so it really didn’t lose that crazy fun factor of comic books nuttiness. Seriously rock eating aliens, zombie flying fish, boy bands trying to take over the world. It only got 12 Episodes and it’s still got 100% on rotten tomatoes and even over an 8 on IMDb.

  • Connections Puzzle #523





    🟪🟪🟪🟪 Purple man I didn’t get it until afterwards and then I felt like a dumbass for not seeing it.

  • My second favourite crazy conspiracy theory is that Tom Clancy didn’t really exist and that he was the front man for the CIA’s public relations office. Red Storm especially leads this as the whole novel reads like someone took a high level war game and tried to make a novelisation out of it.

  • Got to say, Aussie comedies are on a roll lately. The new season of Fisk is hilarious and the eleventh season of Spicks and Specks is still slaying. I frankly need a laugh, so I’ve been watching those. And for some reason I’ve been nostalgic lately so I’ve dug out some of those early aughts fun cable light dramas. Burn Notice, Leverage, Psych, White Collar, Monk, and such. Nothings to heavy, a story gets told in 40 minutes and maybe there’s some kind of season long thing taking up 5-10 minutes in it, but no puzzle boxes or epic character arcs or anything. They’re like the TV version of a wine cooler, no depth, or heaviness but light and fizzy and fun. Maybe I’m just a basic bitch but I like fun.

  • But, and hang with me here, Presidential Elections have a really low R.O.I. Any sensible billionaire knows that the quality investments are in Senators. Once you get one of them elected the chance of them loosing reelection is very low and yet any one of them can put an indefinite hold on any piece legislation and they really have a hold on getting the right kind of people on the courts. Really they should be spending their money more wisely.