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1 yr. ago
  • they must be understandably seriously shook, because this is the most coherent, concise, grounded thing I can remember seeing a rationalist write. ofc I have no idea about the facts but it's not even obviously dishonest

  • oh I see! she's annoyed about a different gang of fascists flexing on hers

  • tbh I don't understand this post at all. aella isn't trans so why would she be a target for leopards? I must be misinterpreting

  • whatever. I'm just indicating you can turn it into a combinatorial game if you want

  • I think what makes it not impartial is that the white player cannot move black pieces (or vice versa). in an impartial game which moves are available is only allowed to depend on the game state, not on which player you are

    the existence of stalemates prevents chess from being a combinatorial game at all, although I'm sure there are workarounds (I guess a lazy one would be to declare that white always wins stalemates)

  • First a correction (people keep saying this and it is a weird mistake) Grimes was his girlfriend, never his wife.

    whoops! edited

    on my part I think it's because I keep seeing Elon described as having "divorced energy"

    (I recall a story of a university with a beloved, genius but somewhat odd professor to which the students looked up, they wanted to be like him. So eventually the students started to touch the walls when walking through the halls, as the professor also did that while walking, the cargo cult).

    side side note I was friends with a former military intelligence guy and he told me the mathematicians in his facility were nicknamed the "finger draggers" or something like that because some of them had that habit

  • it isn't a p2w mobile game and I see no reason to believe he's achieved any level of expertise in it

  • I hope you have, tho I suspect he only plays against sycophants

  • Elon is certainly an expert. He can describe things. He can define things.

    I don't know what context you are referring to, but I don't think Elon is an expert at anything

  • TechTakes

    elon musk's obsession with the tic tac toe of video games

    We all know Elon Musk as the funniest man alive.

    but did you know that Musk is also a lifelong gamer? for example, here he is in the chess club of his whites only apartheid prep school.

    grew out of that though.

    really want to highlight the phrase "understandable when all we had to play with were squirrels and rocks." what the fuck is he talking about?

    in any case, he c

  • Surely someone has to be.

    the dream is to make this statement functionally false. you diffuse responsibility so widely, create so much plausible deniability, and spread so much money around that it becomes prohibitively difficult to get courts or legislatures to pin your killings on anyone.

  • trying to write a thread about polytopia but my images won't upload >:(. idk what i'm doing wrong, i've tried on both my desktop and my phone

  • oh man I've been thinking about posting that polytopia article in the stubstack because it's the funniest musk related content I've seen. now I think it deserves a thread

  • its actually extremely emotionally upsetting. i took a box of chicken nuggies out of the freezer and just started crying and punching the box over and over. i trusted you elon

  • you: how do i turn off gemini

    gemini: i drink your data milkshake :)

  • superb sneer in the YouTube comments

    @monx 36:10 Mikey hints at the central contradiction of his vision. love that he sees music as more than background noise. But this kind of "interchangeable commodity" is exactly what generative Al produces. It's similar to a fantasy where you'll type 'painting of a beautiful sunset" into a machine and then have the output hung in the Guggenheim, as if you made any meaningful contribution, as if the interpolation of training data (infinite in supply) would be special and meaningful to people. We will not escape the tautology that generative art is cheap. This can only be resolved by adding more and more degrees of creative control to the input - controls that demand more skill from the operator - until, finally, we arrive back where we started.

    would love to read more from this person

  • this is just so nakedly a scam, it's a little startling. I feel like if your whole pitch - as it appeared to me - was "we will be like the tories but more competent and less corrupt," then it would behoove you to at least try to appear more competent and less corrupt

  • TechTakes

    the dead end grift that is lab grown meat

    lab grown meat is a vaguely EA/rationalist/self IDed neolib meme. in theory it will save the environment (ok) and prevent suffering (yay) in a way that concentrates capital (double yay) and involves a lot of tech magic (triple yay).

    hot luigi is a big fan apparently. seeing this discussed reminded me of this excellent article which shreds the concept of mass produced lab grown meat. I haven't really seen this circulate much over the years, but it is really a masterwork of grift dissection. please enjoy

    archive link:


    a stunning self own


    the enshittification of magic: the gathering

    i haven't played magic the gathering in ages but i still follow it for some reason. if you're not checked in with the game, here's what's been going on in recent years: it's been enshittifying. i'm fascinated by when gacha games (which this essentially is) start putting the screws to players. here are some of the ways it's gone down

    • the game used to have rigorous processes for managing balance, processes which sometimes failed spectacularly, but held up most of the time. empirically, that's pretty much gone. almost all of the cards that have ever been banned in the standard format have come from the last several years, and they printed a mechanic so broken that they errata'd it to cost more. to be clear, this is a game that is played with physical cards that the text can't be changed on. the situation was so dire that they just said "ok everyone should know, ignore the text on the cards, they are too broken the way we made them."
    • they thought a bit about how the majority of their

    "I consider myself a dark elf"

    curtis yarvin


    Microsoft to reopen 3 mile island to power AI

    the symbolism is 😗👌

    archive link:


    archive link

    Judge Mehta’s Google decision is likely to be appealed. “Regardless of who wins or loses, this case probably has a date with the Supreme Court,” Mr. Kovacic said.

    ah well


    taking a peek at a subreddit for lovers of ai art

    DefendingAIArt is a subreddit run by mod "Trippy-Worlds," who also runs the debate sister subreddit AIWars. Some poking around made clear that AIWars is perfectly fine with having overt Nazis around, for example a guy with heil hitler in his name who accuses others of lying because they are "spiritually jewish." So we're off to a great start.

    the first thing that drew my eye was this post from a would be employer:

    not really clear what the title means, but this person seems to have had a string of encounters with the most based artists of


    Techno-utopianism and the path into darkness

    This is an essay about 'village' vs 'control' techno-optimism I wrote for a class final in 2016. I was in undergrad etc etc but for 2016 I feel it had a lot of foresight, and there's still some bits here and there I haven't seen anyone else explicate. Thought some of you might be interested


    rationalists discuss: does testosterone make you stupid?

    saw this posted by @sailor_sega_saturn at

    op has a simple question:

    Why are trans women so intellectually successful? They seem to be overrepresented 5-100x in eg cybersecurity twitter, mathy AI alignment, non-scam crypto twitter, math PhD programs, etc.

    and a skull shaped answer:

    My theory is that too much testosterone makes you dumber, particularly during adolescence. You need a little for your cells & organs to work, but past a certain point it does more harm than good (for intelligence specifically — motivation & happiness etc aside). Apparently this is not a new theory and people have posited a U-shaped curve for how testosterone affects IQ. The key (sad) claim is that the vast majority of men are on the too-much-T side of the curve. Maybe trans women get the best of both worlds intellectually — a male skull with female chemistry.

    our researcher sets about fending off possible objections:


    wow. sensible


    somehow I managed to miss this until now

    archive link


    we're not Nazis btw


    tl;dr ai will write up officer reports used to help convict people, based on bodycam audio. of course we can expect it to display the usual features of fictionalizing, bias and diffusion of accountability

    special highlight: end of the article includes a comment from the EFF, imploring municipalities not to purchase this tech. company responds with a statement pitching the product to prosecutors. make your own inference about who has control over this decision


    I'm imagining you right now

    I'm doing it so skillfully. I'm totally basilisking you. isn't that scary