And yes. When I manage to collect enough dungeon or cave maps, I might try to arrange
/place them so that they (sort of) connect into a larger complex.
Lol. Maybe? Or perhaps it’s an abandoned throne room?
Seriously though, micro-maps can be very forgiving but I still didn’t want to risk ruining it by adding more decorations. Even if it is quite empty as it stands.
It’s inspired after a rural town I knew many decades ago. After drawing it I searched for it in Google Maps and confirmed that my memory isn’t all that good. 😅
There used to be a Google+ community with the same purpose. When G+ closed, many groups flocked to all sorts of platforms (all walled gardens, mind you), but many communities also died in the process.
But then I have to ask: What do you think is a better player? How does your table work? What kind of games does your group prefer? What do you all appreciate the most from the game?
Some groups are delighted when everyone has a great backstory, while others yawn at it.
Some groups enjoy voice acting while some of us don’t bother as long as you stay in character when needed.
Some like full immersion and others mostly like to hang around with friends.
Some like the sandbox while others wish for a carefully thought out plot.
Some like hack n’ slash and others prefer political intrigue and social interactions.