proletarians_must_suffer @ proletarians_must_suffer Posts 0Comments 63Joined 3 days ago
It's not that leftists are fascists. It's just that fascists are leftists.
And I proudly declare that I'm repulsed by democratic principles. I have moral highground over anyone who supports democracy.
And Russia will answer
How about we skip this step and you just tell us your definition of "social groups" and it will turn out that people "far right" want to "exterminate" are social groups, but people "far left" want to "exterminate" aren't social groups (and aren't really fully fledged humans, if you ask me (dehumanizing you enemies is important)).
Sorry, but you're just uneducated on the subject.
Why do you engage in a conversation that you weren’t a part of, if you’re going to ignore the context of the conversation?
You asking me what did I mean by social groups when I didn't mention social groups is "ignoring the context of the conversation". Just admit you were a lil bit drunk and took me for the wrong person.
Humanities core
rootless cosmopolitans 👆
Damned scientists. Everywhere they go, the place turns into a nazi shithole
School shooters are fucking terrorists
Yeah, this leftist can't be fooled
What do you mean by “social group”?
I didn't use the term "social group" anywhere. Come back when you're sober.
That would also mean that poor people choose to stay poor. They did not choose to be born into a class, but they do choose their futures.
Yeah, there's also nazis
Change "impure" for "bourgeoisie", "imperialistic", "exploitative", or some other arbitrary bs
Omg, are you suggesting we exterminate some impure social groups?
Should they care?