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Discussion thread - 7th September
  • “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” very old school but describes her soo well. Who’s she trying to sell this bs to - him, herself, or us. Pretty sure none of us are buying.

  • Discussion thread - 5th September
  • I trust they are genuinely embarrassed for their organization now when they see the content of her Instagram feed in Brazil. A good chunk of it is shot in the freebie hotel bathroom they shelled out for and her in underwear, displaying the stretch marks (again?), and pathetically seeking praise for her outfit !

  • Discussion thread - 5th September
  • You are spot on ! Is it just me or do they both appear to be a tad nervous, edgy, subdued….. putting on a try hard excited game face for their hosts. She asked, “Are you excited” answer, “I’m ready” A second time she asks if he is excited and he answers with a fake smile like a trained dog performing for his next treat.

  • Discussion thread - 5th September
  • Because she knows diddly squat about football, other than how to cut up a t-shirt and make a halter top and amass copious amounts of branded clothes. And by amass, I mean she accepts whatever freebies come her way.

  • Discussion thread - 5th September
  • Wow. Just read the Canadian government website re travel warnings for Brazil. It’s s very scary. Also, and I quote, “avoid using cell phone in public” whatever shall she do. Note, São Paulo is one of the top crime spots.

  • Discussion thread - 2nd September
  • I have to say that is very weird. Are you away at uni or just pretending ? ( Time to cut the apron strings and let the bird out of the nest.) And besides that, she is taking up a bed in res when once again today we see in the Star there is a dire shortage of rooms available for students. Make it make sense when someone with means to live elsewhere is taking up a room that a less fortunate, out of town student needs desperately.

  • Discussion thread - 2nd September
  • She obviously thinks her followers are fashion idiots , when they are all probably way more innovative than her. This S&T stuff is not new or inspirational at all, very mundane in fact. Nothing new to see here people!

  • Crass Comercialism

    Have never seen so much over the top merchandise flaunted like this before. Ma head is spinning . Is this of interest or use to anyone ?

    The Ultimate Sales Con Artist

    Only home a day and all she has done is shill links to what she was wearing. Ok, guess we know what her end game is.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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