nutsack @ nutsack Posts 0Comments 54Joined 11 mo. ago
no, they're doing it because it gets you to post the article on Reddit and Lemmy, to your Facebook so you feel like youre winning the debate with your dad.
it's pure nihilism
bro i can't
That's correct. they are celebrating 🥳
what you are describing is a behavior that is not ascribed to humans
I think there was some hope that it could be repaired slowly if the republican party became too batshit crazy to elect again
it's cool to have automatic updates turned off, but then obviously not read any of the names of packages that are getting updated, because im not following the development of any of them, and definitely going to update them all anyways, and i just hit Y all the time. And then I sit there for an hour while my internet is slow as balls because im downloading updates
My reasoning is that I'm an audio engineer with good equipment and I can't hear the difference between v0 and flac
bitch nobody knows what that is
yeah because the last thing America needs is an education
why is the arch comment so far down the page? strange
He's just doing all of the shit that actual legislators who need to be reelected don't dare to do. he's not a politician and he doesn't care. He's canceled already, so he's invulnerable. Republicans love him and there's no way he's getting "fired"
'Trump bump is over': Confidence free falls as voters blame President for market 'chaos' - Raw Story
The voters fucking love him. are you kidding me? fuck this fake news bullshit. voters lick this guy's asshole
inflation basically
dick sucking robot
you need a huge screen that you use with two hands so that you can play whatever that stupid fake video game ad I see on twitter is
nice. which Congress is going to pass this
The shit has absolutely destroyed the internet. they only keep getting worse, taking more time and making me feel more stupid. there is no God.
Trump voters don't care about these things. they have a completely different rhetorical frame. this article is bullshit. trump voters are liking the chaos a lot because they think its good because they think liberals are bad. all you need to do is follow the usual conservative talking heads if you want to know what they're thinking.
I hate this clickbait feel good happy toxic optimism shit. it doesn't do any good to anyone. this article was only written to keep leftists stupid. downvote this fake garbage.