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Leg day, bros
  • I feel ya. When I find them in the garden, where one expects to find a multitude of bugs, it gives me the heebie jeebies soo bad. It's def the zillions of legs going mach 9 for me.

  • Ironing
  • We are considered a micro-generation they have dubbed Xennials 1977-1983

    Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood.

  • Grass is Greener
  • Not who you asked, but here is another one:

    clover lawn pic. Very bright green

    Planted by my septuagenarian father with just seeds and water. This is three weeks in. He had to water a bunch at first while it was taking root, but it should need less water than grass. The grass prior was pretty toast, but he took the time to remove crabgrass.

    I will take a nap on it next time I visit and let you know :)

  • Voyager 1 returning science data again
  • That's what I thought too, until I read

    The announcement that Voyager 1’s instruments were returning data again came two days after JPL announced the passing of Ed Stone, who served as Voyager’s project scientist from the mission’s inception in 1972 until 2022.

    And realized it was the ghost of Ed Stone.

  • It's your amigo, Ralph!
  • I felt terrible, so I took a screenshot. Ralph now lives in my photo gallery; but is that any life at all?

  • Exactly. Delete Reddit.
  • I believe it happens on mobile b/c they are trying to force people to use their godforsaken app. Clicking desktop view bypasses the tomfoolery.

  • Poke Check

    Šilovs is wayyy out of net to poke check Kane in first image. Moss from IT Crowd in second image. Text reads: Šilovs is out of his net. He's not in his net. He's supposed to be in his net. Why is he out of his net.

    YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads''
  • But for people using YouTube to follow textile patterns, photoshop tutorials, repairs, etc. needing to pause frequently while still seeing the full screen is a big deal 😬

    I use Ublock Origin and Firefox/DDG's "view here", so I think I'm safe..

    Edit: Also, Google is greedy af, so it's def cumulative with existing ads; the article doesn't say otherwise.

  • U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs
  • My understanding is that they aren't enforceable. Also, Ontario has a ban since 2021.

  • Library book ban attempts are at an all-time high. These librarians are fighting back
  • While on the subject of burning books, I want to congratulate librarians, not famous for their physical strength, who, all over this country, have staunchly resisted anti-democratic bullies who have tried to remove certain books from their shelves, and destroyed records rather than have to reveal to thought police the names of persons who have checked out those titles. So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or the media. The America I loved still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.

    • Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
  • Security footage of Boeing repair before door-plug blowout was overwritten
  • Pretty terrifying Doc on NF about Boeing called Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

  • Locked
    Looking for a particular jazz album
  • It was June last year, and I was high, so I just know it was instrumental from this channel's playlist, sorry: (I think the twitch account is defunct now.)

    Image: Twitch profile: Reddark_247

  • Locked
    Looking for a particular jazz album
  • Thanks, I'll have a listen :)

  • Locked
    Looking for a particular jazz album
  • I'll have a look at your link/list, thanks :) FF clears everything when I close it (intentional) and I have YouTube history off. I really don't know how I lost my bookmarks, haha.

  • Locked
    Looking for a particular jazz album
  • I will have a listen, thanks :)

  • Locked
    Looking for a particular jazz album
  • Thanks, I'll check it out :)

  • Looking for a particular jazz album

    During the Reddit Strike, there was a stream on Twitch showing subreddits going dark. They played an amazing Japanese jazz album, but I've lost the bookmark to the YouTube vid.

    Does anyone have it, please?

    SpaceX executives worried Elon Musk was on drugs during 'cringeworthy' all-hands meeting, WSJ reports
  • Only one of those is physically addictive, and the withdrawal can kill ya.

  • Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now.
  • It's gotten a lot better with teeth. Last I looked at that site they were very misaligned. It was very Uncanny Valley.

    Edit: ok, this one's a bit whack:

    Image: Close up of a man's mouth. The teeth look 2D, and continue endlessly in a straight row behind his lips; there is too little curvature to indicate they are connected to a jawbone.

  • You had to hold it up to a candle.
  • Sell? I remember it as how to tell if someone fancied you :)

    Do kids these days just make playlists and send links?!

  • Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought
  • Haha, but if we do, they will follow in a gross and painful fashion: In Canada, 83% of the population received at least one dose. I believe we are 39M 40M now (lol, I was sleeping).

    So 6,800,000 gonna keep the electricity going; grow and process food; and perform medical procedures? --Oh wait, all the medical people are dead. Speaking of dead, there aren't any firemen to dispose of the 33,200,000 bodies! Damn, biohazard everywhere. I'm assuming their edjumacashun didn't be gud, so I'm not hopeful of their prospects for rebuilding, but I suspect rage will take out who is left before it gets to that point anyways.

    Edit: Math is hard

  • OJ Simpson freeway chase, 1994
  • From the BBC (2016):

    The OJ Simpson murder case carried serious implications for a number of major issues: race relations, police treatment of African-Americans, domestic violence, and the effects of money on the justice system.

  • nepenthes nepenthes
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