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3 wk. ago

  • "Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union." - Iosif Stalin

  • Nice. For people that don't understand this: Basically, ARM is also a RISC (Reduced instruction set computer) but is proprietary, while risc-v is open source. risc-v is still in kind of a development stage though, while ARM is used by almost all phones, tablets, chromebooks, single board computers (raspberrypi etc), apple M1,2,3 computers and many more.

  • I watched a few in depth reviews about this truck because i was really interested in it (i liked the design at first). I am not sure how this tin can passed ANY safety test, the quality is so shitty, i am really not that surprised something like this happened

  • The firewall doesnt only exist as a misinformation countermeasure, another big reason is countersurveillance.

  • I don't think this is a good idea, there is a reason why it was established in the first place. I don't think you know how pervasive US propaganda is, there are several news (propaganda) outlets that are specifically targeted toward mainland Chinese people on the western internet, they are directly run or funded by governments or Falun Gong. (Examples: Voice of America China, Epoch Times and many more)