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2 yr. ago

  • pretty sure its #5, that one is usually big enough to drive a truck through.

  • going to go with the mods on this one, if you think that was a shit post you need to take another look at the other posts in the sub.

    you can make that joke I bet, just don't do it badly and remember, divisive stuff has a high likelyhood of being nuked on most of fedi.

    these rules are broad and common.

  • haha no, instances like this pre-date centralized systems, e-cash and everything else. instead of something hip and new, you are doing something very old, like they way the internet was designed to operate old.

    i was running sites like these a decade before reddit came to the fore. The thing that's "new and weird" is this desire to pile onto a single domain handing control of your feed, personal information and more to a billionaire. If you are into wealth gospel i get it, though they haven't done as much to earn trust as people seem to think.

    AOL and Compuserve went under for all the same reasons the majors are struggling now.

  • wish it would just default to my default rather than forcing selection, seems to vary by instance too.

  • doh, forgot to set the language!

  • you must edit first. automated deletes are rolled back.

  • one of these is making a profit off of you, the other is a community tended commons. there is no comparison.

  • that all depends on the instance. small does not mean it will go away. for example my instance is topical. by design, even if it gets "popular" it has some in-built upper limits and if the mass grows beyond them it means I can likely get help paying for the next steps up.

    just because an instance is big does not mean its necessarily safe or stable, first its imporant to note that large instances have scaling issues as the deployment for the system is not ready to scale that way, instead they need to deploy to every bigger servers in an inefficient manner or spend a ton of time rolling bespoke deploys. these big servers are just a few volunteers. some big instances are managed by 1-4 technical people, the same numbers a small instance has.

    Also it costs money to run large scaled systems, you can run an instance for you and some friends for nearly free if you find a deal and only a few bucks a month if you dont.

    So big instance/ small instance does not mean much with stability, they both have thier issues. Something to note, smaller instances are MUCH easier to run.

  • smaller instances give you more control over your feed generally but discovery is on you.

    i do expect better filters and controls in the future

  • aside from misinfo this is more of why they want to moderate some responses, someone is going to blow themselves up using a recipe it gives them

  • its interesting but it tells us what we already know about subjects with material that is incomplete.

  • pretty sure federation protocol is looking for




    i haven't seen instances use a sub-directory

  • yes you can use the same domain, but you may need different subdomains for everything to work happily.

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