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Anthropic's latest advance with AI, where it can operate on-screen software, shows us how future AI can replace much of today's human knowledge work.
  • I've been wondering when current LLM AIs would start to master this ability. I suspect it will be one of the things it's good at. For many tasks, software usage patterns are relatively predictable and modelable. A trend with current AI, is for competitors and open-source to rapidly follow industry leaders. We can expect AI like this to be widely available in six months.

    Many people's knowledge work employment is tied to software skills and experience. That premium is about to start diminishing. People are familiar with the concept of 'macros'; automating repetitive sequences of software usage. It seems all but inevitable AI will be doing something similar, but orders of magnitude greater, and that all the forces in free market economics will be driving it to replace expensive humans.

  • Maybe western capitalism is killing itself through low growth?

    This article references Britain, but I think many of its points make sense with reference to other western economies.

    The author is Chris Dillow

    With 'electro-agriculture,' plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say.
  • Yes, I also forgot to mention this tech is a safeguard against supply-side shocks. like with wheat after Russia attacked Ukraine.

  • With 'electro-agriculture,' plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say.
  • Some people's reaction to this proposal might be to wonder why bother? We already have a functional agriculture system using sunlight that's been working for several thousand years. But there is a lot to be said for improving on it.

    This approach could grow many foods where they can't currently be grown.  Thus we could localize food production, and decentralize it. This could vastly reduce the waste of food transport.  Furthermore, pollution from pesticides could be vastly reduced.  It also allows us to think about rewilding huge swathes of our environments. Finally, this is an approach amenable to full automation.  Ultimately that will reduce the price of food and its availability. Who knows, several decades from now, the standard way to produce food may be via indoor methods tended to by robot farmers.

  • Spanish researchers have developed an intermediate band (IB) solar cell using gallium phosphide and titanium, which has the potential to achieve an energy conversion efficiency of up to 60%.
  • Yeah, like everything the challenge is to get from the Lab to production. Perovskite solar cells, another type of solar cells that show great theoretical promise, have issues with long-term stability. Solar cells need to survive in tough conditions for many years to be useful. Here I would also wonder about the relative scarcity of gallium being a limiting factor.

  • Airbus UpNext and Toshiba Energy Systems are joining forces to advance superconducting technology for hydrogen-powered aircraft. Airbus and Toshiba to partner on superconductivity research

    Airbus UpNext, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Airbus, and Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (Toshiba), Toshiba Group’s energy arm, will cooperate and mutualise experience on superconducting technologies for future hydrogen-powered aircraft.

    Airbus and Toshiba to partner on superconductivity research
    How liver tissue from the international space station may transform tissue engineering: Pioneering space research leverages microgravity for tissue engineering breakthroughs. How liver tissue from the international space station may transform tissue engineering

    An “out-of-this-world” project has the potential to transform the future of tissue engineering and liver transplantation through innovative research conducted aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

    How liver tissue from the international space station may transform tissue engineering
    With 'electro-agriculture,' plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say. With 'electro-agriculture,' plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say

    Photosynthesis, the chemical reaction that enables almost all life on Earth, is extremely inefficient at capturing energy -- only around 1% of light energy that a plant absorbs is converted into chemical energy within the plant. Bioengineers propose a radical new method of food production that they ...

    With 'electro-agriculture,' plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say
    Study: Robotic automation, AI will speed up scientific progress in science laboratories. Study: Robotic automation, AI will speed up scientific progress in science laboratories

    Science laboratories across disciplines—chemistry, biochemistry and materials science—are on the verge of a sweeping transformation as robotic automation and AI lead to faster and more precise experiments that unlock breakthroughs in fields like health, energy and electronics.

    Study: Robotic automation, AI will speed up scientific progress in science laboratories
    Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning: Statement comes as tech firms try to use creative professionals’ work to train AI models.
  • That I can help you with.

    Without doxxing them, this reddit user campaigns a lot IRL on UBI - their posts/UBI subreddits have loads of stuff -

    Also Twitter has load of stuff - search 'UBI' there, scroll down based on 'Top' and there are lots of accounts devoted to UBI news.

    BTW - You're welcome to setup here too & cross-post/double-post if you want

  • Apple scraps car project, but tech lives on in BYD's EV success
  • Bet it's going to be China building most of the humanoid robots too.

  • Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning: Statement comes as tech firms try to use creative professionals’ work to train AI models.
  • apart from posting regularly, sadly I don't have many ideas. 😞😞

    We've had real trouble growing this site from the reddit sub-reddit, and the promotional posts we've done, in total, have had tens of thousands of views

  • Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning: Statement comes as tech firms try to use creative professionals’ work to train AI models.
  • the people that own the machines have any interest in keeping us alive

    I never take ideas like that seriously. Even in sci-fi, the concept seems wildly fanciful.

  • Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning: Statement comes as tech firms try to use creative professionals’ work to train AI models.
  • If AI/robotics follow the typical s-curve of technological adoption, I think the 2030s is most likely. We already seem to be at the beginning of that s-curve in 2024.

  • Anthropic says latest AI model can control users’ computers
  • That's a hard no from me. I won't go near Google or Microsoft's latest AI offerings either. That said I'm using gen-AI in other contexts more and more. I'm fine with it, as long as it has strictly limited access to my data.

  • Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning: Statement comes as tech firms try to use creative professionals’ work to train AI models.
  • That is one way of looking at this. An alternative view is to say - "The day is coming when AI & robots can do all work, but for pennies on the hour" - will probably arrive by the 2030s. Every day we waste on pointless conversations that are destined to go nowhere, is a day we waste planning for the future. Worse than that, the chaos and despondency the AI/jobs threat creates, adds to the general conditions that are making the rise of fascism and the far right more prevalent.

  • Thom Yorke and Julianne Moore join thousands of creatives in AI warning: Statement comes as tech firms try to use creative professionals’ work to train AI models.
  • I sympathize, most of my work falls under the category of 'creative' too. But this conversation about AI & robotics needs to quickly move to UBI, or universal access to basic needs like health and housing. The day is coming when AI & robots can do all work, but for pennies on the hour & a free market economy isn't viable any more. This approach doesn't acknowledge that; it still assumes a free market economy can work in the future.

  • A good summary of why Google may soon be in rapid decline. Requiem for Raghavan

    Last week, Prabhakar Raghavan was relieved of duty as Senior Vice President of Search, becoming Google's "Chief Technologist."  An important rule to follow with somebody's title in Silicon Valley is that if you can't tell what it means, it probably doesn't mean anything. The most notorious example ...

    Requiem for Raghavan
    Australian researchers have developed a synthetic version of a spider venom molecule for use in a groundbreaking new drug aimed at reversing heart attack damage. Spider venom heart drug moves to clinical trials

    A UQ-led project to develop the first-ever drug to treat heart attack and protect donor hearts will move to human clinical trials, after receiving $17.8 million in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

    Spider venom heart drug moves to clinical trials
    A California startup claims it's brain monitoring device allows people to exchange information while asleep and dreaming.
  • Big caveats here, no peer reviewed results etc. However, I suspect the basic principle is sound. It makes you wonder what more advanced versions of something like this could do.

  • OpenAI is boasting that they are about to make a lot of the legal profession permanently unemployed.
  • People have often tended to think about AI and robots replacing jobs in terms of working-class jobs like driving, factories, warehouses, etc.

    When it starts coming for the professional classes, as this is now starting to, I think things will be different. It's been a long-observed phenomena that many well-off sections of the population hate socialism, except when they need it - then suddenly they are all for it.

    I wonder what a small army of lawyers in support of UBI could achieve?

  • OpenAI is boasting that they are about to make a lot of the legal profession permanently unemployed. From $8,000 to $3: OpenAI's Revolutionary Impact on Legal Work - Wall Street Pit

    OpenAI CPO Kevin Weil says their o1 model can now write legal briefs that previously were the domain of $1000/hour associates: "what does it mean when you can suddenly do $8000 of work in 5 minutes for $3 of API credits?"— Tsarathustra (@tsarnick) October 19, 2024 OpenAI's...

    From $8,000 to $3: OpenAI's Revolutionary Impact on Legal Work - Wall Street Pit
    A new study shows that an AI tool can help people with different views find common ground by more effectively summarizing the collective opinion of the group than humans.
  • What's your point? We know AI can be deployed in dishonest ways. So can books, and newspapers.

    It's Critical-Thinkig-Skills-101 to not fall for the 'one of the blue people is bad, therefore all blue people are bad' argument.

  • A new study shows that an AI tool can help people with different views find common ground by more effectively summarizing the collective opinion of the group than humans.
  • What's your point? We know AI can be deployed in dishonest ways. So can books, and newspapers.

    It's Critical-Thinkig-Skills-101 to not fall for the 'one of the blue people is bad, therefore all blue people are bad' argument.

  • A new study shows that an AI tool can help people with different views find common ground by more effectively summarizing the collective opinion of the group than humans.
  • The other benefit here is scale. Skilled human facilitators and their time are in short supply. AI deployment can be orders of magnitude greater.

  • Dutch biologists find nanoplastics in the hearts of chicken embryos
  • Honestly, why isn't the world more awake to this? These same scientists also did other studies, where higher concentrations of nanoplastics started causing widespread malformations throughout the embryo. It's deeply disturbing.

  • Selective breeding enhances coral heat tolerance to marine heatwaves - should we breed new types of coral to survive climate change?
  • Agreed. Sadly though I think we are heading for 2.4c heating, and we also need to prepare for emergency responses.

  • Dutch biologists find nanoplastics in the hearts of chicken embryos Leiden Biologists Find Nanoplastics in Developing Heart | STATNANO

    Nanoplastics can accumulate in developing hearts, according to a study by biologist Meiru Wang from Leiden University. Her research on chicken embryos sheds..

    Leiden Biologists Find Nanoplastics in Developing Heart | STATNANO