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"...Australia is heading in the wrong direction. In Melbourne, for instance, the amount of space devoted to private parking has increased by 156% over the last 20 years. The MCG’s green oasis is very

"...Australia is heading in the wrong direction. In Melbourne, for instance, the amount of space devoted to private parking has increased by 156% over the last 20 years. The MCG’s green oasis is very much the exception."

\#AusPol #FuckCars @fuckcars

Looks like the Boring Company's Las Vegas tunnels are going about as well as you'd expect from an Elon project...
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars yes but the idea of using individual cars as mass transit is just incredibly innovative. City Nerd's review is worth a watch to understand the true genius involved

  • why aussie TV sucks ?
  • @Ilandar @yoz Seven is a terrible business that continues to exist primarily because of the political power it provides for Kerry Stokes

  • Expensive school uniforms don't make kids better at maths, so why are schools so focused on them?
  • @RogerBW @thepixelfox @Zagorath @pineapplelover @dgriffith @ajsadauskas the school my parents sent me off to, which was not at all egalitarian, had a whole second-hand uniform resale process which seemed to work well

  • There's a new RMTransit (@RM_Transit) video up about high-speed rail from Melbourne to Sydney.
  • @ajsadauskas @RM_Transit @fuck_cars totally agree. there is no excuse for work not to start immediately on upgrading the tracks between Campbelltown and Mittagong. That will have significant benefits for freight and passenger services to both Canberra and Melbourne

  • luciedigitalni lucie digitální

    I'm a policy nerd, studying Italian, trying to grow veggies and learning to be more tolerant and empathetic.

    I like tea, libraries, jigsaw puzzles, fridge magnets, cooking, mountains, trains, rescue dogs, history docos and southeast asian islands.

    When I grow up I want to be a train driver. Or a librarian. Or maybe a character in a William Gibson novel.

    I only boost pics with Alt Text. My posts vanish after three months.

    Cover pic: Sam Kerr mid-way through a post-goal backflip

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