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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 wk. ago

  • A lot of people think that it was gutted, but it's actually the reason we have a health insurance marketplace and why you can no longer get denied for preexisting conditions. Before it existed, you were just SOL.

    Not that it's cheap, but my employer charges about the same rate for a high deductible plan. If you are low income, you can get cheaper plans.

    Healthcare in America isn't that BAD if you are relatively healthy, but it is nearly impossible to navigate... by design. Now, if you are actually sick, YMMV.

  • "When the researchers examined the causes of avoidable deaths (including road traffic accidents, illnesses preventable by vaccines, treatable conditions like sepsis or appendicitis, and conditions preventable by early detection and treatment like cervical cancer, ischemic heart disease and tuberculosis), they found that deaths from a variety of different causes are rising in every U.S."

    “There’s been a lot of discussion about preventable deaths in the U.S. such as drug-related deaths or suicides, which do account for a big proportion of this trend,” Papanicolas said. “However, we found that deaths from nearly all major categories are increasing.”

    People just aren't going to the doctor cause it costs too much...thanks, free market!

  • Well, that's the problem, due to changes passed with the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), annual routine screenings are free including women wellness. A lot of people do not know this.

    The problem is when they find something wrong. Going to a specialist can easily push from hundreds to thousands.