justJanne @ justJanne @startrek.website Posts 0Comments 123Joined 1 yr. ago
If you actually calculate the maximum speed at which information can travel before causing paradoxes, in some situations it could safely exceed c.
For two observers who are not in motion relative to each other, information could be transmitted instantly, regardless of the distance, without causing a paradox.
The faster the observers are traveling relatively to each other, the slower information would have to travel to avoid causing paradoxes.
More interestingly, this maximum paradox-free speed correlates with the time and space dilation caused by the observers' motion.
From your own reference frame, another person is moving at a speed of v*c. The maximum speed at which you could send a message to that observer, without causing a paradox, looks something like c/sqrt(v) (very simplified).
Cloudflare actually had to disable them because someone managed to automate them with AI too.
I really like portal's absolutely minimal HUD. The game absolutely works without any hud whatsoever just as well too.
Interesting, from what I can find online even though it's unique to the vita it's still just the memorystick pro duo protocol under the hood, with a DRM system similar to the one Sony uses for their modern CFExpress Type A cards.
Hey, have you ever met Taylor Swift? I heard she gives great IT security advice over at https://infosec.exchange/@SwiftOnSecurity
Sure, it'd be a solution for five minutes until someone delids the secure enclave on the gaming card, extracts the keys, and builds their own open source hw alternative.
High-performance FPGAs are actually relatively cheap if you take apart broken elgato/bmd capture cards, just a pain in the butt to reball and solder them. But possibly the cheapest way to be able to emulate any chip you could want.
It's still 8MB for non-nitro users.
I still run the last pre-JS version of the discord app on my phone, and it's sooo much snappier.
Was that the memorystick pro duo, which actually beat even many early UHS-I SD cards at write and read speeds?
This is definitely at least in-engine, likely actually in-game footage:
- characters swimming in the water during both of the beach shots have no animations whatsoever, they just stand on the water like they're jesus christ.
- one of the container ships in the later overhead shot showing the derelict bridge is entirely untextured and extremely low res, while the rest of the environment is highly detailed
- in the opening shot, parts of the city are billboarded or simple blocks to provide a basic skyline shape, while the areas around the prison are extremely detailed
The NPCs standing on the water also suggests NPCs are driven by the final actor and animation systems, but the animations for swimming or walking through water are just not done yet.
We also see a significant difference between the recreations of florida man memes, where every motion is keyframed to match the original videos, and the parts of the trailer where we see NPCs actually running their regular animation loops, as in the beach, club or road scenes.
Now, will we see this level of quality in game? Yes and no. Usually, a small elite team builds a vertical slice, a single mission in which every little mechanic already works, followed by many larger teams then building the rest of the game, trying to match the quality of the original template.
A good example of this is the original 40min E3 demo of cyberpunk 2077, which exists in the game 1:1 today. This vertical slice was awesome, but later missions usually had fewer alternative solutions, less polished environments and an overall lower interactivity.
So while I'm sure the robbery / prison / parole hearing part is fully fleshed out and will likely be included in the final game as-is, other parts of the game might not reach the same level of realism. Even if you ran the game on the same high-end workstations the developers are using.
Element has the same costs as Signal. So far, Element has been lucky in being able to raise money by selling support contracts to governments or companies using Matrix, but even that isn't enough, which is why Element has been raising money for the Matrix Foundation for almost a year now (with little success).
Are we sure it's Sony and not just Zaslav again?
Microsoft actually locked down the BIOS on several Windows 10 S devices to prevent users from installing non-MS OSes with enforced MS-only secure boot.
That just sounds like you need more enforcement against fake subcontracting.
Better idea: family-owned companies, upon death of the owner, get turned into a coop owned by all the employees of the company, each getting 1 share.
If you've got 14 billion years, a theft takes a minute, then you need 53 recursion levels of binary search to find the moment of the theft. (14 billion years can be split into about 7.3e15 1-minute segments, 53 levels of binary search allow you to search through 9e15 segments)
That means OP assumed that it'd take 1 minute to decide whether at a certain still frame the theft had already occured or not, to compute the new offset to seek to, and the time it'd take to actually seek the tape to that point.
Not an unreasonable assumption, but a very conservative estimate. Assuming the footage is on an HDD and you've got an automated system for binary search, I'd actually assume it'd take 5 seconds for each step, meaning finding a 1min theft on 14 billion years of footage would take 5 minutes.
Das gibt weniger Fußgänger die durch Radfahrer verletzt werden als Fußgänger die über lose Gehwegplatten stolpern und sterben. Ja, es gibt Einzelfälle, aber die sind absolut zu vernachlässigen.
Ich selber fahre aus Prinzip nie auf dem Fußweg, aber damit bin ich halt alleine. Wenn ich in ner Gruppe unterwegs bin weigern sich die anderen aus Angst auf der Straße zu fahren und wollen entweder auf dem Fußweg oder gleich mit dem Auto fahren. Und ich kann von niemandem verlangen sich in Lebensgefahr zu begeben.
Es wäre schön, wenn du dich genauso sehr dafür einsetzen würdest, dass Autofahrer aussteigen und schieben, bevor sie weiterfahren.
Ich weiß nicht ob dir der Unterschied zwischen einer Kollision mit 2t die 60km/h fahren und 80kg die 10-15km/h fahren bekannt sind.
Ich finde es auch schön, dass du sagst, dass du nicht für Klimawandel oder Verkehrstote bist, aber alle Alternativen die das vermeiden verweigerst.
Gez. eine Radfahrerin die nie auf dem Fußweg fährt, aber jeden versteht, dieder das tut.
Option | Worst Case |
Radfahrer auf der Fahrbahn | Schwerverletzte Radfahrer |
Radfahrer auf dem Bürgersteig | Fußgänger mit Schürfwunden |
Radfahrer auf Radspur | Autofahrer regen sich über die "weggenommene Spur" auf |
Radfahrer müssen absteigen | Radfahrer steigen auf andere Verkehrsmittel um, Klimawandel |
Ich verstehe nicht, warum du die beiden schlechtesten Szenarien (mehr Klimawandel oder mehr Verkehrstote) so sehr präferierst.