inverted_deflector @ inverted_deflector Posts 1Comments 114Joined 1 yr. ago

Neat that its getting extensions but not a huge fan of edge.
Even before the big AI thing this was a common thing for trendy games. Frustrating is it would be websites that arent even gaming focused that would get "top 10 x" or "how to get x in popular game" or "console commands for game x!" . And of course since the top result isnt a game website it was just trying to grab clicks it was a not great or complete article.
The dog lick is literally what transmitted the disease that eventually lead to the patient getting sepsis and dying.
The video series he does is to essentially put the viewer in the shoes of the diagnosis process and mystery of it all. Is it irresponsible when videos showing mystery stories dont lead with who the killer was or when jokes dont start with the punch line?
If you just clicked the video you'd see the first image is a disclosure mentioning that this kind of case is uncommon and explaining the circumstances in which you should seek medical attention.
Overall I dont see why putting all the facts in a headline makes it more or less responsible. You want to know the story then watch it. It's not like the story is misleading or wrong, and his video in particular is pretty thorough in going over exactly whats happening and why.
What exactly makes it irresponsible?
It's literally what happened to the individual. Its not a bait and switch and chubby emu especially goes into detail explaining exactly what happens with a disclaimer at the beginning citing the journal this came from and explaining that this is uncommon but if you do show symptoms after licking to seek medical help and mention you have pets.
Oh man do they. The years since it aired have been kinder to it but hot damn did it get a lot of hate online while it was fresh.
I laughed at michael is a boys name.
Its funny because while we gloss over it today, this is how shocking uhara just being on the bridge was to people, or the shatner kiss. Like people were still being murdered and lynched for interracial relationships and even in northern cities we had red lining and racial violence. The big trans arc is a minor scene. With a person who also literally and unsubtly has memories of being MULTIPLE sexes and genders.
Its so shocking for some people it stands out. Even if they arent overt bigots being exposed to it rubs them a certain way.
Discovery was a rollercoaster for me. It kept having moments that made me think it was getting its stuff together and then instead of sticking the landing it would fall flat on it's face.
Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks have been pretty good at scratching the classic itch I think. But yeah I do agree that picard and discovery suffer from a problem that a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days suffer from. They dont slow down and spend every arc going from a threat THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING to another threat that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. So many universe ending events.
Its funny too because being a trill recipient makes the allegory very "conservative friendly" . They literally gained dozens of lifetimes worth of memories where their gender and birth sex were male and female. Normal trill symbiote candidates go through training in order to better retain their sense of self after they bond and better separate the memories. Adira did not have that training and was not ready for this or even the right species for it.
Riker absolutely lost himself while he had a trill implant and became the trill. Meanwhile Adira has a few hundred or more thousand years of being a mother, being a father, giving birth, and presenting as male and female and over that kind of time span even seeing gender roles and norms change and evolve. After all that they decide you know what I dont think Im quite a girl anymore but Im not a boy. Even a gender absolutist would have to give it to them.
Are you threatening me master jedi?
My big issue with amazon these days is that it's flooded with trash. Like sure if you want some disposable garbage that you dont think twice about or if a very specific item you know is good is for sale on their site you can use them and their return policy is good.
But otherwise the flood of no-name vendors has become like browsing a more expensive So many randomly generated non reputable companies selling the same rebranded knockoffs of knockoffs at various price points. It used to be that at least you could go up in price bracket and get to the actual products but now even that is hard. You can check out products worth over a hundred dollars and it still have mixed reviews and no actual brand recognition . It's gotten to the point that if its something that matters or is more that $50 I search on big box sites and either order directly for them or find the item and get it off amazon.
It has but for multiplayer games and especially a game you never launched before there can be some friction.
I would love for them to figure out a way to make the hexagon rings softer and bring em back. They looked so cool.
I mean when you change a young baby's diaper and you wrap it shut before throwing it in the trash it is wrapped sandwich sized and similarly warm.
there is no ethical conumption under capitalism
I get this and understand to the point that I dont judge people too hard for just getting it out of convenience.
That said I feel like it's an easy mark to boycott. At it's best it's just fast food chicken and the creators have an active hand in anti lgbt and weird religious fundamentalist stuff.
At it's best it's fast food chicken. I'll never understand the hubub.
Its closed on sundays(which is fun because they get contracts to operate in airports and throughway rest stops), and the owners have that whole anti gay thing going on.
Whats wrong with firefox currently?