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2 yr. ago

  • yellowstone caldera erupting during Trump II would be fitting somehow

  • What? You don't have a spare $6,000 to run nonsense generators at home? Peasant...

  • white always wins

    this is the method Elon prefers

  • this was mentioned in last week's thread

    what I don't get is why the admins chose to both backdate the entries and re-use poster's handles. If they'd just tried to "close" open questions using GenAI with the current date and a robot user it would still be shit but not quite as deceptive

  • SoftBank, one of the big backers behind Stargate, is notorious for WeWork-level funding disasters — but five days from floating the idea to the crash might be a new record.

    I LOLd

  • well I guess the NYT is auditioning the Völkisher Beobachter rôle so that tracks

  • dude missed that Trump won and the people in power are Nazi pedophiles

  • This conclusion isn't flattering for the LessWrong community...

  • is it a real quote from Orwell or just something someone made up?

  • scoot asking if anyone can put him in contact with someone from a major news publication

    how about the New York Times

  • Agree with space travel being retro-futurist fluff. It's very rich men badly remembering mediocre science fiction.

    The US could lead the world in innovation in green technology but that's now tainted by wokeness.

  • Not really sure if he thought he was smart or got bad legal advice from coiners who figured he could get off scot-free because "crypto" and "harm reduction"

  • Lies, damn lies, racist statisticians, but P-VALUES ARE THE TRUTH I TELL YOU

  • Free SFnal short story idea, came to me literally in a dream:

    Dude is living his best life, beatiful house, beatiful wife, gets a job doing computer stuff "improving the world". But his big fancy work computer is wasting a lot of space so he reformats it/installs Nix, and suddenly everythings gone, all grey wireframe, no way out. Turns out he was given root to his own simulation and there's no backup.

    Feels I should have read this somehwere but haven't read short SF in ages so...