flop_leash_973 @ flop_leash_973 @lemmy.world Posts 35Comments 410Joined 2 yr. ago
How quickly most companies have walked back all of the "moral" stances they have taken over the last few years, all within just a few weeks of the political winds changing, should be a lesson to everyone that there is no such thing as an ethical publicly traded company.
They will do what they think will make the most money for the shareholders, no matter what. If you want them too "pay", the only choice is to stop giving them money.
Thanks to the likes of Proton, gaming on Linux is a hell of a lot better than it was ~5 years ago. You can actually do it now for the most part without to much fuss in my experience as long as you stick to Steam.
But once you leave Steam or get something brand new made by an EA type and have to lean on third party implementations of Proton or raw Wine to get things working it gets a lot worse.
I got an account strike the other day and a post removed "by Reddit" according to the message for saying something to the effect of "protests without a threat of violence behind it doesn't mean much to those in power these days" on a thread about some ongoing protests.
Something about a site rule violation for advocating for and/or calling for violence.
You want to get rid of Musk, stuff like this is how you do it.
Publicly make Trump out to be the lessor power in the relationship and his ego won't be able to handle it. Look how fast he lost his shit during that debate with Harris when the subject of his crowd size came up.
There is a better chance that user reporting for this will be disabled more so than it is that this would make a difference. You know that right?
If this latest drama with Apple Maps (and Google Maps) is what pushes someone over the edge to looking for more user respecting options then the people further gone than I would really be comfortable getting used to. Both companies regularly do much more than should do more to turn you off.
That's incredible, I've got the same combination on my luggage.
There might be things that are better these days in the technical sense. But there is always value in having something "good enough" that is freely available and compatible with nearly everything that has speakers to use to keep those technically better yet more expensive options in check.
Better than every year or so no one can play the games they supposedly "bought" due to some technical hiccup for a random yet lengthy amount of time than some percentage of people be able to more easily play our games without paying us. -some Sony/gaming industry stooge probably
In all seriousness, people need to stop being so willing to put up with this sort of easily foreseeable failing with the current way of doing digital goods. If I can't use it without the blessing of someone else it is not buying, it is borrowing, and that severely impacts the value proposition for me personally.
Technical issues WILL happen. It is the nature of the beast, it is just terrible engineering to build what is essentially dead man switches into your customers products.
Not sure if this is still the case, but with Steam it used to be that if you didn't put the client into "offline mode" ahead of time the client wouldn't open, let alone allow you to launch a game once the connection was lost.
I hope they took care of that by now.
I find that in life you can measure how much of a good idea something is for everyone else by how loud the trust fund baby in the group is screeching. The louder the better.
This is an issue most OEMs have had with desktops and laptops forever.
To try and squeeze every possible price range as much as possible they create these complex brand/sub-brand configurations, some of which can be even further customized by user desired specs, which ends up making the whole product offering confusing.
As the customer, even a tech literate one that works in the IT field, trying to sort through the options on the Dell/Lenovo site is far more annoying than it should be.
Give me the chassis size (screen size in the case of laptops) and then let me mix and match the major internal components as I need/want and call it a day.
No one actually gives a shit what the branding is beyond "is this a Dell/Lenovo/Asus/etc".
Yep. Tim Cook is a logistics and supply chain guy after all.
The answer to that will vary depending on what you are looking to install.
This is what I do as well. 3 alarms at 15 minute intervals reoccurring everyday I need to get up on time. With a shortcut tied to the action button to turn them all off if I get up before all 3 go off.
And an automation to turn them back on at night on the important days in case I forget to do it myself.
Isn't a single teacher or statement. But how I was generally treated by the institution.
I am somewhere on the spectrum and/or have some kind of learning disability that makes the formal learning environment very hard for me.
I was tested as a kid back in the 80's, but they said I didn't score bad enough to be diagnosed and that I was just slow essentially.
So the school system stuck me at a desk in the back corner of the classrooms with a divider between me and the the rest of the room and more or less treated me like a leper.
Whatever the official diagnosis, I ended up getting into computers and turns out I am really good at it. So now I make a six figure income doing something I am interested in.
The experience ingrained in me a deep hatred for formalized education, especially when it comes to my son (who is officially diagnosed as autistic). I have a very hard time taking anything my kids teachers say seriously and as anything more than the rantings of a narrow minded fool. Thankfully, my wife being the wonderful person that she is keeps me in check with that. And reminds me not to think my experience at my backwater school was the norm. And I think she has been right this far thankfully.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
Yeah, that sort of thinking is how they do things to boot. You aren't going to come out on top as long as you are trying to play ball with the guy that broke into your house
I use Joplin. They have a sync server you can host for yourself.
Shocking.....well, not that shocking. Unless you are the kind of rube that actually believes anything a guy like Trump says.
Best I remember from the doc I watched, TempleOS doesn't even have a network stack.
Them stop talking Mark.
Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever”
Fujitsu bugs that sent innocent people to prison were known “from the start”
Sunbird shuts down its iMessage app for Android 'for now' amid 'security concerns'