exocrinous @ exocrinous @startrek.website Posts 12Comments 810Joined 1 yr. ago
Yeah that's the way it was before their job was automated. But now you don't need them to work.
Carbon somebody else's problem
A wrench, hammer, screwdriver set, and pliers.
After 6 hours of being with other teenagers my age, the last thing I wanted was forced social interaction just as I was getting ready to unwind. For the first half of high school, I was at the train station reading a book. The second half, I had the good sense to start using a phone.
Hey look a guide on how to look like a cishet white man
Humanity has never built anything that has intentionally lasted 10,000 years
You don't know what those cave people were thinking when they drew those pictures.
Just because you don't remember being told common sense facts, doesn't mean you weren't. It probably happened at some random time without you making much of it, you just incorporated it seamlessly into your worldview. Now you look down on others for needing the same support you did when you were a child.
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Sex workers are real workers, but princesses are sex bourgeoisie.
I'm a soulist. Soulists are always saying things like that. It's the best version of leftism.
These pods are only used on rails with very low ridership. They would switch to a train if ridership increased.
Look at it this way: you can have a train that has a capacity of 100 people, but it only runs once a day due to the low demand, and only 2 people want to ride it at that time of day..Or you can have 10 pods, which do not require as much railway maintenance, and they can carry the 10 people who actually want to use this railway, completely on demand.
Yeah, a train is better if you want to move ten thousand people a day at peak hour. But this is a cheaper way to move ten people at different times across a day. And it's a cheaper way of inducing the demand that would justify the more efficient kind of expansion.
Yeah, we don't have laundromats in my country except for student housing and similar facilities. Laundry machines are ubiquitous in houses and apartments, even the small crappy ones.
I think they mean weird, not wired
Proud luddite here. The original luddites destroyed machinery owned by capitalists which threatened their jobs. The choice was either destroy the machines, or stand by and become unable to feed your family while a rich man gets richer.
I have no opposition to technology which is used for good, and whose control is placed in the hands of the workers. Your self-hosted AIs are fine, although I do ask that you only use energy intensive processes if you have solar panels. After all, this planet is the only one we've got. At our current rate of pollution, soon the world will only be inhabitable to AI.
But I downvote anything promoting corporate AI designed to replace people's jobs. I am all for replacing human jobs, if the humans get to relax and live comfortable lives afterward. But I am against replacing jobs if we choose to have a society where you need a job to live. That's not nature, it's a choice we make as a society. The minute you automate someone's job, you do necessarily admit that society doesn't need that person's work to get by. The only reason they shouldn't get to put their feet up and take it easy is political. And politically, we have decided instead what happens is they die. That's unacceptable, and until it changes, we can't afford to have job replacing machines.
There's not 0 indication of tone through text. I'm autistic and even I know that. Watch this:
Hey, mate! Good to see ya. How's the missus doing?
Hello Richard. Thank you for joining us today. Is Selena settling in well?
tbh I thought it was satire
Would you define a long distance relationship that's lasted for multiple years with daily video chats as online dating?
So you're saying you can't write readable code while drunk
I know someone who, when it's having a panic attack and is asked a question, it asks the person asking what the correct answer is. Even if they have no way of knowing.
It's a newer episode.