doodledup @ doodledup Posts 6Comments 489Joined 8 mo. ago
Isn't a power plant a civilian target? It's certainly not a military target.
You need to mark sarcasm with /s.
If this is not a joke: the US has the worst privacy protection laws on this planet. Laws in China are almost better. And ironically the worst laws for freedom aswell. There is a reason why we have the GDPR laws in the EU that prohibits any user data transfer to US servers.
But surely somebody is proposing this. And it's not an entity. It's a person.
What is with these headlines these days.... "Fueling a slowdown".
Am I the only one that hates third-party clients for Desktop? They all have terrible UI and UX. Firefox + UBlock + Youtube is the way to go. For the phone it's NewPipe or Grayjay.
It's not even encrypted except for encryption at rest. What are you talking about?
Telegram was never safe because it's not encrypted. Use something encrypted and open-source, so you don't need to rely on their promises and service.
Signal is the most popular alternative. Others are Threema, Matrix, Session.
Telegram is not private at all. Nothing is encrypted except Secret Chat.
The coal is still left why exactly? Besides, neuclear is perfecly climate neutral.
What do you mean? Hypersonic are a multitude faster than 1200 km/h.
Are you trying to lecture me on what I'm doing? I know very well myself what I'm doing. I'm here for the 5 communities there are and on Reddit for the rest.
How do you know I'm not on Reddit for 90% of the time?
Isn't the US already a surveillance country?
The KDE would need to intercept every single message from start to finish because of forward secrecy. Mass surveillance of such sort would have been noticed by now, even if only 0.01% of people check their safety number with QR code or manual confirmation.
MITM attacks on specific high-level targets would be still possible of course. But if you consider yourself a high-level target outside of mass surveillance you can just check your safety number before initiating a conversation. Because of forward secrecy, you only need to check that once!
But all of that aside, Telegram has none of these things. Telegram is straight-up unencrypted with their default chats and group chats. Telegram is absolute dogshit.
Are you American?
Telegram is not an encrypted messenger with a focus on privacy. Ergo it's not an attack on chat encryption and privacy. Why do people not seem to get that?!
They all learn? IBM basically got pushed out by China. This is good for China and bad for IBM.
Big dog is apparently not the biggest dog if this is necessary.
This is completely unrelated.
Besides, how does AI suddenly become sentient?
Good. Competition is good.

How do I migrate from the docker image to TrueNas?

‘AI is reliant on mass surveillance’ and we should be cautious, warns head of messaging app