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Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • @cyclohexane Is there any risk for me to try installing Linux on my MacBook (intel) and are there specific distros that run better on a macbook?

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    Ya saben, @libretube o en el móvil y @FreeTube en el escritorio
  • @ecosdelfuturo @libretube @newpipe @FreeTube yo me gusta newpipe. Has usado Libretube? Como te gustas? Es mejor o diferente que newpipe?

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    macOS users, kindly correct my misconceptions about the OS and the company
  • @dingdongmetacarples @vestmoria interesting. I love command+c and command+v and find windows cntrl+c really annoying. Using my thumb to hit the command key on mac is just so much more ergonomic. The thumb based keyboard commands are honestly my favorite part of macOS

  • cubeofcheese CubeOfCheese

    Interests: climate change, public transit, accessibility, open source

    Building #RhythmApp an android mastodon client

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