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Seashell on a windowsill [OC]
  • Finally, some good fucking food

  • You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...
  • The doomerism is ridiculous here lol

    You can switch to another program, and learn it, instead of making up a thousand reasons why you want your work to be scraped by Adobe and their scammer CEO

  • No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment
  • Now if only they didn't use kernel level anticheat and got it working on Linux, cause I ain't going back to Windows for one game

  • People will be telling his story for generations
  • Isn't this something that happened almost a decade ago

  • 2024: The Year Linux Dethrones Windows on the Desktop – Are You Ready?
  • I was trying to read your post but I'm distracted by the algorithmic theft you used for the image. Learn to draw or don't post

  • Political consultant indicted for deep-faked Biden ad telling people not to vote
  • Me, referencing the past 8 years and the current situation with ai and the government’s extremely lax action against it

    Photonic_Sorcerer: this is my chance to be a douchebag

  • Political consultant indicted for deep-faked Biden ad telling people not to vote
  • We all knew this was where deepfakes were headed, and just like with all the other bad things happening since 2016, nobody's done a single thing about it.

  • The Patriarchy
  • Downvoted for participating in the sharing of ai generated theft

  • Good job me boy!
  • I’m more interested in figuring out how many people are left in the world wherein the concept of “Friday” actually means something

  • Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China
  • As neat as Japan sounds and as much as I’d like to be there, I mean, he’s not wrong

    I watch YouTubers who moved to and live there talk about how they’re just indefinitely treated like a tourist

  • Anon lives with their parents
  • Anons never had 20k of debt and inflation

  • Seattle gave low-income residents $500 a month no strings attached. Employment rates nearly doubled.
  • I mean, this is probably because having extra money to take care of yourself makes it easier to have the confidence to find work. But 500 a month is like giving someone a dollar in 2024 and saying "pay your rent, bills, utilities, also buy food, and gas for your car, and also pay your car insurance" and thinking you did something

  • This game came out in 2000.
  • This right here. It's absolutely ridiculous that anyone thinks Musk was ever a reasonable and of sound mind type of person

  • This game came out in 2000.
  • Deus Ex always ahead of the curve

  • cmdr_nova 𐕣 C M D R ░ NOVA 𐕣

    Writer, designer, sysadmin :: Producer behind Eyeshadow 2600 FM, owner of Second Life store REVOSA, admin of (a mastodon instance)

    mastodon website bandcamp

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