chuymatt @ chuymatt Posts 1Comments 91Joined 4 mo. ago
Not at all. Is too far gone, and the people who have the levers of power are putting them full throttle
There aremore very bad milk-substitute ice creams than bad regular ice creams. It may be the age of the market, though.
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This is how you end up found dead on the toilet.
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The thing is, he is not a moron. He just generalized his expertise in thoracic surgery to everything and found he could leverage an appeal to authority (him) for cash (thanks Oprah).
Lazy parasite class?
With Molina, we would lose $30 by the time that the patient got in the room. We had to drop them as they refused to reimburse any better, even through all the inflation of everything else.
The healthcare ones are real. I hear it from my own patients. I have to apologize for my job sector too frequently to women of color.
Either that or chew on its ear. That is normal, right?
I love the cliff notes of B5, but, good gods, the acting and writing was horrific.
Woof. So sorry.
, Care to share? So we can learn from your mistakes?
I think this is a render. There is no water disturbance from the helicopter.
… have you met humans? Moderation is difficult. Capitalism and Communism both have difficulty not sucking due to humans. People always just take everything too far.
Freaking fascinating.
Effing speech to text…
‘Such a boorish person! Fighting with his salad mek'leth when it is desert!!’
I mean, he has to for the shareholders. Legally required and all.
No. It is consistent. Bodily autonomy for everyone. You don’t get to go into the populations as a plague rat and kill others with your idiocy, though. That impinges on their freedoms.
Your guys doesn set a cap of it alight to prove it is the right kind of alcohol?