ChicoSuave @ ChicoSuave Posts 1Comments 2,916Joined 2 yr. ago
The hotdog looked at you?
That's the worst thing to learn. The call from a stranger who sounds sad, that heavy "I'm sorry." No one deserves to think that they weren't enough to stop their loved one from killing themselves but it will live in her head for a while. Suicide hurts everyone for years except for the victim.
Chocolate kills dogs. Donald Pleasance as "Mr. President" is great. Produced by David L Wolper (who won an Oscar for The Hellstrom Chronicles) The detail on this is fucking fantastic.
I voted for Harris but it felt like a gun to my head because I despise her policies and the time she spent helping cops lock people up. She's a terrible candidate and the worst option for the time for the Dems. But she was the only one of two people who weren't a fascist, at least publicly. Neoliberal business strategy is fascism in a tailored suit and the current DNC and RNC are both pushing it onto us. The RNC at least understands how to ignore the people who won't vote for them.
The DNC needs a deep and thorough cleaning to remove all the neoliberal money grubbing from the party. Progressive politics is the only way to beat fascism at the ballot but business leaders are too scared of not making money.
Starship Troopers exists so any video game movie adaptation will be compared to it. Unless Paul Verhoven is directing, it is a big uphill battle to win any comparisons.
And it's Sony, so, good luck? They can't seem to understand what makes a movie interesting to want to watch. They can't cut a good trailer but their actual ability to produce and execute movie production is just bad. They can't make a comic book movie that isn't produced by others.
Democracy dies in darkness
Oh shit, at the end, Child's doesn't have any steam on his breath. It's right there, second frame from the end, if you've hit credits you've gone too far.
Another Boeing whistleblower. Is there a pool for how long before they feel irreconcilable guilty and take their own life?
Oh fuck, Denmark has a flag. Now Trump has to make a flag or else he can't claim it. No flag, no country.
Checking if RawStory has the full story by comparing it to the original is too much work for basic news. Please link the original. It helps cut down on having weirdo blogs and fake publishers injecting their idea of truth into the new cycle.
Propaganda works
I can't wait for this album to drop!
A late bloomer? Folks have been snapping since Homo Habilis. My great^54 grandpa told me they used to gather flint and they would find the right rocks after walking uphill, both ways, backwards, in the snow.
Elon hasn't paid enough attention to see that folks already know the UK shields nonces. It's a worthless accusation at this point.
Fascism cannot exist without capitalism. Capital is what supports and strengthens fascism - the idea that business is more important than the people. This sounds like how the world has always been but it wasn't until the 60s, at least in the US, when the business leaders wanted to stop unions, make more money, stop the possibilities of environmentalists from hurting profits, etc. The pushback from the people in the 60s spawned the Civil Rights and threatened to derail the business first approach America had gotten used to from after the Depression. The war years gave too much money and power to too few people and things like the Business Plot simmered under the surface of our grandparents' generation. Two generations of propaganda that made social and community based governing sound villainous has brought us to a full on fascist revolution slow burning through wealthy democracies.
Was that duty free butter? Of course not, Publix doesn't have a Customs agency, dork. You need to buy your groceries at an airport so you can say that you are travelling to a transportation center and using the roads as an easement, granting an unobstructed path. And police count as an obstruction. Just ignore them and only stop when you get to the property line of the airport. If you travel onto the tarmac, then only airport police can chase you and it will significantly reduce the amount of police who might confuse your rights if they try to detain you.
SovCits just don't know their rights. /S
You're just being difficult to argue a stupid point. It's fairly clear who the real culprit is.
Christ, he's back.
That car is their rally car. The sponsor name on the hood isn't important. It's more that they made mikitary planes then air conditioning then cars and now back to military planes.